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Cañas", title="Concept Maps vs. Web Pages for Information Searching and Browsing", booktitle="Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Technology and Education, Tallahassee, Florida", year="2001", publisher="International Conference on Technology and Education", note="\hlink{www.icte.org/T01_Library/T01_259.PDF}" } @inproceedings{gang99wims, author="Xiao Gang", title="WIMS: A Server for Interactive Mathematics on the Internet", year="1999", booktitle="Proceedings of Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation at ISSAC'99", publisher="Institute for Computational Mathematics", note="\hlink{icm.mcs.kent.edu/research/iamc99paper/Gang.pdf}" } @book{kivela99isom, author="Simo K. Kivelä and Riikka Nurmiainen and Jorma Joutsenlahti and Taru Kangas", title="$\mathfrak{M}$ niinkuin matematiikka", year="1999", publisher="Teknillinen korkeakoulu, matematiikan laitos", note="\hlink{dart.pspt.fi:60/tiedostot/matta/isom.html}" } @techreport{kivela00isom, author = "Simo K. Kivelä", title="Matematiikan opiskelua digitaalisessa ympäristössä: Iso-M-projektin lähtökohdat, periaatteet ja toteutus", year="2000", number="C14", institution="Teknillinen korkeakoulu, matematiikan laitos", note="\hlink{matta.hut.fi/matta/artikkelit/isom.pdf}" } @misc{kivela02latex, author = "Simo K. Kivelä", title="LaTeX-dokumentit WWW:ssä", year="2002", note="Teknillinen korkeakoulu, matematiikan laitos. \hlink{matta.hut.fi/matta/tech/wwwtex.html}" } @techreport{kohlhase03omdoc, author="Michael Kohlhase", title="OMDoc: An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents (Version 1.1)", year="2003", institution="MathWeb", note="\hlink{www.mathweb.org/omdoc/omdoc.ps}" } @article{melis01activemath, author="Erica Melis and Eric Andrès and Jochen Büdenbender and Adrian Frischauf and George Goguadze and Paul Libbrecht and Martin Pollet and Carsten Ullrich", title="ActiveMath: A Generic and Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environment", journal="Artifical Intelligence in Education", volume="12", number="4", year="2001", note="\hlink{www.ags.uni-sb.de/%7Eilo/articles/GenericAndAdaptiveWebBasedLearningEnvironment.pdf}" } @misc{mn03sw, author="Miika Nurminen", title="Semanttiset verkot ja niiden Web-sovellukset", year="2003", note="LuK-tutkielma, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Tietotekniikan laitos, \hlink{www.cc.jyu.fi/~minurmin/luk/luk.pdf}" } @mastersthesis{tmthesis, author="Anna Carlstedt and Mats Nordborg", title="An evaluation of Topic Maps", year="2002", school="Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University", note="\hlink{www.cling.gu.se/~cl8matsn/uppsats.pdf}" } @misc{latexsgml, author="Robin Cover", title="SGML, XML, and (La)TeX: How Do they Work Together?", year ="2000", publisher = "OASIS", note = "Linkkikokoelma, OASIS, \hlink{xml.coverpages.org/sgml-tex.html}" } @misc{dambrosia01math, author = "Barbara K. D'Ambrosia and Carl R. Spitznagel", title = "# Putting Mathematics on the Web--Easier than Ever", year = "2001", note = "ICTCM 2001, puhe. \hlink{www.jcu.edu/math/ictcm2001/}" } @booklet{latex02pitka, author = "T. Oetiker and H. Partl and I. Hyna and E. Schiegl", editor = "Timo Hellgren", title = {Pitkänpuoleinen johdanto {\LaTeXe}:n käyttöön}, year="2002", note="\glink{ftp}{ftp.funet.fi/pub/TeX/CTAN/info/lshort/finnish/lyhyt2e.pdf}" } @article{matias03wiki, author="Nathan Matias", title="What is a wiki?", year="2003", journal="SitePoint", publisher="SitePoint PTY", note="\hlink{www.sitepoint.net/article/1241}" } @inproceedings{pepper00tao, author = "S. Pepper", title = "The TAO of Topic Maps --- Finding the way in the age of infoglut", booktitle = "Proceedings of XML Europe 2000 Conference", year = "2000", publisher = "GCA", note= "\hlink{www.gca.org/papers/xmleurope2000/papers/s11-01.html}" } @misc{conceptsurvey, author="J. P. van Schie", title="Concept Mapping - Visualisation tools for knowledge management", year="2002", publisher="observETory", note="Linkkikokoelma, observETory, \hlink{www.observetory.com/conceptmappingvs1.htm}" } @article{skillen02learning, author="Peter Skillen", title="Transferring Knowledge with Technology", year="2002", journal="Learning \& Leading with Technology", volume="30", number="4", pages="22-27", publisher="International Society for Technology in Education", note="\hlink{www.iste.org/LL/pdfs/30422s.pdf}" } @techreport{winter01graphs, author = "Andreas Winter", title = "{Exchanging Graphs with GXL}", institution = "{Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau}", year = "{2001}", type = "Fachberichte Informatik", number = "9--2001", language = "english", address = "Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, Rheinau 1, D-56075 Koblenz", note = "\hlink{www.uni-koblenz.de/fb4/publikationen/gelbereihe/RR-9-2001.pdf}" } @techreport{tt02mat, author = "Tero Tilus", title = "Matematiikan verkko-opetuksen muistio", year = "2002", institution = "Jyväskylän yliopisto, matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitos" } @techreport{mathonthewebsep03, title="Math on the Web: A Status Report September, 2003. Focus: Interactive Math", author="Robert Miner and Paul Topping", year="2003", institution="Design Science, Inc", note="\hlink{www.dessci.com/en/reference/webmath/status/status_Sep_03.htm}" } % author po. editor @techreport{svg, author = "Jon Ferraiolo and Fujisawa Jun and Dean Jackson", title = "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification, W3C Recommendation", year= "2003", institution = "W3C", note = "\hlink{www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/}" } % author po. editor @techreport{mathml, author = "David Carlisle and Patrick Ion and Robert Miner and Nico Poppelier", title = "Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 (Second Edition), W3C Recommendation", year= "2003", institution = "W3C", note = "\hlink{www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/}" } % author po. editor @techreport{openmath, author = "O.Caprotti and D.P.Carlisle and A.M.Cohen", title = "The OpenMath Standard year= "2002, institution = "The OpenMath Esprit Consortium", note = "\hlink{www.openmath.org/cocoon/openmath/standard/}" } @techreport{unicode-math, author = "Barbara Beeton and Asmus Freytag and Murray Sargent", title = "Unicode Support for Mathematics", year= "2003", institution = "Unicode Inc.", number = "25", note = "\hlink{www.unicode.org/reports/tr25/}" } @techreport{opml, author="Dave Winer", title="OPML 1.0 Specification", year="2000", institution="UserLand Software, Inc.", note="\hlink{opml.scripting.com/spec}" }