Henkari Tero Tilus Distance-learning designer Jyva:skyla: open university $Date: 2002/11/12 12:40:33 $ Dynamic extensible website framework in object-oriented php. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Henkari? 1.2. Motivation 1.3. Purpose 1.4. Terminology 1.5. Features 2. Structure 2.1. Files and directories 2.2. How does it work (by example) 3. Setting up henkari 3.1. Requirements 3.2. Installation 3.3. Configuration 4. Building website with henkari 4.1. Getting started 4.2. Template system 4.3. Handlers 4.4. Automatic template variables 4.5. Includes 4.6. Builtin server side cache 5. Extending 5.1. User defined handlers 5.2. Your PHP scripts in henkari 5.3. Interfaces A. Appendices A.1. License agreement 1. Introduction 1.1. Henkari? Henkari is a dynamic extensible server-side website framework with oo-php. Word "henkari" is finnish. It translates as "hanger". Henkari helps you to keep your website nicely in shape a bit like hanger keeps your jacket. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2. Motivation Doing manually something which computer is (when properly tuned up) fully capable of doing by itself is merely stupid. Maintaining even a simple website on flat-file basis without any html generation tools may include loads of that stupid hacking. Things like changing site layout, adding and removing pages and updating toc and navigation links. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3. Purpose Henkari is a server-side website framework. It's purpose is minimize excess work of website maintainer. It provides template hierarchy, dynamic TOC/path/menu, (optional) online editing (security depends on webserver setup), extensibility and configurability. Example: Adding a new page to your site includes creating it with your favorite html editor and saving it to your web folder. That's all. TOC gets (and also many other things get) updated automagically. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4. Terminology Handler. A module providing some (additional) functionality to henkari. To be accurate, handler is a class inherited from abstractHandler. TOC. Table of contents -like (not necessarily the table of contents) dynamically folding tree of navigational choises. Menu. Single step navigational choises on current context. Currently contains all entries on TOC "up" and "down" from viewed entry. Horizontal ("next" and "prev") are to be implemented. Path. Several meanings. In navigational context path is the path from mainpage to current page. Entrypoint. is the root address/directory of the webspace handled by henkari. It's the directory where your index.php (so called entrypoint script) or link to it, config.php and lib/ / phplib/ directories (or links to them) reside. Henkari webroot. Henkari's root directory for website content. May be referred as "webroot" in this document. Default is root/ under entrypoint. Henkari webtree. Directory tree under henkari webroot. May be referred as "webtree" in this document. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5. Features Templates. Henkari uses phplib to implement template functionality to ease the separation of content and look/feel. Templates are well-formed (x)html files and you can create and modify them with your favorite html editor. Templates apply to the directory where they reside (and all the subdirectories) and can be nested. Nesting is performed by using only body of the template that is to be nested within the current template. To lear more see Section 4.2. Dynamic navigation. From file/directory structure and user defined exceptions Henkari automatically generates navigational elements: dynamically folding table of contents, menu and path. Distributed configuration. You can alter just about everything per directory(tree) basis. If you know Apache's .htaccess configuration files, you are already familiar with the consept. There are two separate (both are optional) configuration files. First (.index and _index, both are read) contains additional TOC entry definitions and second (.henkari and _henkari, both are used) is evaluated as php-code. See Section 3.3 to learn more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Structure 2.1. Files and directories Directory listing from root directory of henkari shows the following. bash$ cd /dir/where/you/extracted/henkari bash$ ls -la drwxr-sr-x 7 terotil users 4096 Jul 1 13:08 . drwsr-sr-x 8 terotil users 4096 Jun 25 13:39 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 terotil users 17983 Jul 1 11:10 COPYING drwxr-sr-x 5 terotil users 4096 Jul 1 14:07 doc -rw-r--r-- 1 terotil users 85 Jun 24 18:53 example.htaccess -rw-r--r-- 1 terotil users 1378 Jul 30 15:29 index.php drwxr-sr-x 3 terotil users 4096 Jul 1 11:41 lib drwxr-sr-x 5 terotil users 4096 Jun 25 11:05 root -rw-r--r-- 1 terotil users 952 Jul 1 13:08 TODO bash$ COPYING contains license and TODO describes the road ahead. Documentation is found from doc/, program code from lib/ and website from root/. index.php is entrypoint script to Henkari. example.htaccess contains an example of Apache (mod_rewrite) configuration to hide index.php from url. There may be something else too, but you need to know only these. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. How does it work (by example) Henkari works recursively starting from it's root web-directory (default is root/ under entrypoint) and ending to requested file/directory. On each step forward along the request path (when there's still path left) a decision is made: Who handles the the next step? Configuration files placed on directories that are examined during a single request can have effect on the result. For example they can change the rules which provide answer to the previously presented question. Let's have an example. Assume Henkari's entrypoint script index.php in /entry/point/dir/ which is seen as http://www.somesite.net/somepath/ by J. Random Surfer. Now in default Henkari configuration the website is located in /entry/point/dir/root/. Assume we have there a configfile /entry/point/dir/root/.henkari registerHandler('text/html', 'htmlHandler'); ?> a template /entry/point/dir/root/_template.html {title}
and a webpage /entry/point/dir/root/random/page.html Footitle

This is a foopage.

Now when request is made to retrieve the assumed page, url looks (without any server-side tricks) like this: http://www.somesite.net/somepath/index.php/random/page.html. This causes webserver to execute entrypoint script http://www.somesite.net/somepath/index.php, which (when caching is on) checks if the page has been requested before and saved to page cache. If it's not, it parses remaining path /random/page.html to array ("random", "page.html"). Then it asks handlerFactory to return a proper handler for /entry/point/dir/root/, gives the previously parsed array to the returned handler and calls it's handle() -function. Handlers share common interface and are instantiated by handlerFactory. It decides which handler gets instantiated for which file. The decision is made upon file's type (is it a directory, symlink, regular file, etc.) and name. Because /entry/point/dir/root/ is a directory handlerFactory instantiates a dirHandler. First dirHandler searches "current directory" (/entry/point/dir/root/) for configuration files and template. Configuration file .henkari (See Section 3.3.3) is found and evaluated as php-code. It tells handlerFactory which handlers to use with files of certain mimetype. Template (/entry/point/dir/root/_template.html) is found too and user interface (an instance of UI) is ordered to use the newly found template. Then handler searches current directory for entries not beginning with dot or underscore and not ending with tilde and adds them to TOC. In this case there's only directory random/ (See Section 3.3.2). Next thing dirHandler does is to check if there still is path left to travel. It pops "random" from the left end of ("random", "page.html") and thus reduces the array to ("page.html"). Then it appends popped "random" to "current directory" resulting /entry/point/dir/root/random/, asks handlerFactory a handler for it and passes control to returned handler along with remaining path ("page.html"). /entry/point/dir/root/random/ is directory too, so handlerFactory instantiated and returned dirHandler and the same procedure starts again. Configuration files and template are searched, but not found. Directory is listed and page.html is added to TOC as child of random/. Then handler pops "page.html" from path, appends it to "current directory" resulting /entry/point/dir/root/random/page.html. Handler gives it to handlerFactory, requests a new handler and passes control to it. File /entry/point/dir/root/random/page.html is recognized by Henkari to be of type "text/html". Evaluation of configuration file /entry/point/dir/root/.henkari registered htmlHandler to be responsible of mimetype "text/html". So handlerFactory instantiates htmlHandler and control is passed to it. Handler reads /entry/point/dir/root/random/page.html, extracts the contents of and <body> and tells the UI to append them to page title and page content. Handler recursion ends to htmlHandler and control passes back to entrypoint script, which commands UI to send page. UI uses data passed to it to render page. <html> <head><title>Footitle

This is a foopage.

Then (if no handler opted out caching) it saves the result with optional http-headers to page cache, sends it to browser of J. Random Surfer and exits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Setting up henkari 3.1. Requirements In theory where ever you can make PHP4 or better to work henkari will follow. Properly setting up an entrypoint that is separate from the place where henkari itself is located requires filesystem with symbolic links (or equivalent feature), but it's not required. In Debian environment you need packages php4 and phplib. Phplib program files appear in /usr/lib/phplib and when creating an entrypoint (see Section 3.2.4) you can link them from there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Installation 3.2.1. Obtain Henkari can be obtained from http://www.math.jyu.fi/~terotil/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.2. Extract Extract the distribution package on a place where you keep your local program files. It's recommended that when really using henkari, you don't put files under any web directory but create entrypoint separately (Section 3.2.4) and that way can share henkari program files between several websites and make updating henkari easier. For testing purposes it's perfectly OK to extract files under web directory and use the directory where henkari resides as an entrypoint. If you have GNU tar, extracting goes with command. bash$ tar --extract --ungzip --file=henkari.tar.gz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.3. PHPLib Note Currently henkari distribution includes program files from phplib-7.4-pre1. If you already have phplib on your machine, you can during entrypoint creation link you existing phplib instead of phplib-7.4-pre1 which came with henkari distribution. Henkari uses functionality from phplib. So if you don't already have it and it didn't come with henkari distribution, obtain it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplib/, extract package and copy directory containing library files (php/) to your shared php-code location. Henkari should work with any phplib from 7.x on. Henkari assumes phplib library files reside in phplib/ when looking from the directory where entrypoint script is. Quick way is to symlink phplib library directory to entrypoint directory. bash$ cd /dir/where/entrypoint/script/is bash$ ln -s /shared/php/code/phplib-code-dir/ phplib ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.4. Create entrypoint If you use the directory where henkari actually resides as and entrypoint too, you don't have to do anything special. Extracted henkari directory serves as an entrypoint right out-of-box. Creating entrypoint this way can make updating and local an error-prone task. It's OK for testing purposes, but creating separate entrypoint is recommended. Creating separate entrypoint starts with creating (web)directory that will serve the entrypoint. Copy config.php to that directory. Create (symbolic) links to doc/, lib/, phplib/ directories and index.php. Create root/ and pagecache/ directories (or which ever are approppriate for you. These can be changed from configuration). Now you should have working entrypoint. Good smoke test is to put whatever (html-)file to root/ directory and point your browser to entrypoint directory. You should see a link pointing to that file and clicking should show that file. Assume my webroot is /var/www/ and I have henkari entrypoint at /var/www/henkari/. Now I would copy my whatever.html to /var/www/henkari/root/, point my browser to http://myhost/henkari/ and see (if henkari is working) a page with single link "Whatever" pointing to http://myhost/henkari/index.php/whatever.html. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Configuration Henkari's configuration has three levels. General settings have global defaults, which are located in lib/henkariConfig.class.php. General settings for each entrypoint reside in config.php in the entrypoint directory in question. Third level is distributed configuration under webroot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.1. General settings General settings apply to single entrypoint. File containing those settings is config.php and it's located in the entrypoint directory. Example configuration coming with henkari distribution contains only few settings to give an example of the syntax. You can find the rest of the configuration variables from lib/henkariConfig.class.php where their global defaults are set. Setting variable in config.php overrides the global default. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.2. .index Dotindex-file contains all the exceptions to the rules (see Section 4.4.1) along which automatic navigational elements are built. If found, both .index and _index are used. Syntax of dotindex looks like this. # Comment map somefile Label of some file map somedir/ Label of some dir pseudo nonexisting Another label hide filenottoshow Lines beginning with hash are ignored (Note that hash must be the first character.). All the other lines are split on two first sequences of whitespace (sequence of only spaces and tabs). First part is interpreted as command and the rest (one or two) are parameters. Three commands (see the syntax example abow) are recognized. map Maps file/directory to a new name. This new name is used in automatic navigational elements to represent the file/directory in question. First parameter is the name of the file/directory and the second is the name to use for that file/directory. Note that you must append a trailing slash to directory names. pseudo Adds an entry to automatic navigational elements. First parameter is the address used in links and the second is the name to use for that entry. hide Hides matching files/directories from navigational elements. A file/directory is not shown if a match against any hide-pattern is found from it's name. Hide-patterns apply to the directory where they appear and all subdirectories. Patterns are POSIX extended regular expressions (see The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Chapter 9 http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html). Note that this only hides files from automatic navigational elements. It doesn't prevent user from requesting them. You can still link to these hidden items, but automatic table of contents (see Section 4.4.1) may behave unexpectedly. As you may have noticed, only the second parameter may contain whitespaces. So mapping names having whitespaces is currently impossible. Take this into account in your naming conventions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.3. .henkari Dothenkari is executed as php-code before the directory where it resides is examined. It must be a well formed php-file. If found, both .henkari and _henkari are used. Dothenkari gives you direct access to internals of henkari in the middle of it's road towards requested file. You can redefine pretty much everything. A straightforward way to implement two alternate templates and parameter driven switching between them is to put following code in .henkari in webroot. if ( 'print' == CGI::safeLookupGP('tpl', 'screen') ) { global $config; $config->templatefile = '_template_print.html'; } If now in get or post variables there is variable 'tpl' having value 'print'. Configuration is altered so that _template_print.html is used as template instead of default _template.html. Now you only need the templates and links between them. [ normal | printable ] To lear more about the possibilities available in dothenkari you should read Section 5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Building website with henkari 4.1. Getting started With it's default file handler Section 4.3.2 henkari does pretty much nothing different when comparing to an ordinary webserver. Usually the first thing to do is to register handlers for the filetypes you want henkari to be aware of. Builtin html-handler (see Section 4.3.3) with default directory and file handlers should be enough for small and moderate websites. You can register html handler by creating to your root directory a dothenkari (file named .henkari or _henkari) with the following content. registerHandler('text/html', 'htmlHandler'); ?> Now when you have html handler enabled on your website html files behave intelligetly with templates and you can start building your website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2. Template system Henkari uses templates from phplib. Phplib templates are ordinary html files with some "magical" markings. Words within curly braces are {markers} that are to be replaced with some content that is spesific to viewed page. These markers are called template variables. Henkari automatically provides content for number of template variables (see Section 4.4). With those template variables known by henkari you can describe how your template should be used. i.e. Where to put page content, last modification time, table of contents, etc. The most important template variable is {content} which is replaced with the content of page. You should always have it in every template you create. Name of the template file is _template.html and you may (but you are not required to) have one in each directory in your henkari webtree. First template encountered is used as master template. If another template is found when walking further along request path, it's nested in master template (if not explisitly set otherwise, see Section 3.3.2). Master template is used directly, no modifications are done. In nesting operation master template's {content} -variable is replaced with the content of nested template's tag. References in templates must be written so that they don't break when pages in different directories are wrapped in the same template. Assume we have in webroot a stylesheet file style.css, template having and also two pages, one in webroot and another in a directory under webroot. When the first page in webroot is requested everyting works fine, but on the second page stylesheet is not found because it's looked from the directory where the page is in. So we must use absolute address for stylesheet. At this point henkari helps us a little. There's a template variable {entrypoint_uri} which is automatically replaced with an address to henkari webroot. So we can write ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3. Handlers Henkari has a subsystem called "handler factory". It's given a filename and it decides which handler should that file be given to. Handlers provide the actual functionality. Handlers that you want to use, must be properly registered to handler factory. Henkari comes with a number of predefined handlers, but only default directory handler (see Section 4.3.1) and default file handler (see Section 4.3.2) are used unless you register more. Next sections describe the handlers coming with henkari distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.1. Directories (dirHandler) This is the default directory handler. It's used when filename given to handler factory points to a directory. In the real world it means that dirHandler is used until recursion reaches the requested file (if there is one) or another directory handler is registered. Assume we have site http://www.somesite.net/somepath/, entrypoint directory /entry/point/dir/ and request http://www.somesite.net/somepath/index.php/some/file.html coming in. Now /entry/point/dir/root/ and /entry/point/dir/root/some/ are given to dirHandler and /entry/point/dir/root/some/file.html by default to As-is file handler. dirHandler is responsible of the most of henkari core functionality: Executing per-directory special file dothenkari (see Section 3.3.3), setting per-directory templates (see Section 4.2), interpreting per-directory special file dotindex (see Section 3.3.2), creating table of contents, menu and path (see Section 4.4.1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.2. Files "as-is" (asisHandler) This is the default file handler. It's used when filename given to handler factory points to an ordinary file and no other handlers are registered to be responsible of handling that file. This handler just sets Content-type: http header to reflect the MIME-type of the file and sends the content of that file, which is pretty much what would (efectively) happen without henkari. If you for example want to have a download-link and direct browsing (as described in Section 4.3.5) link to a gzip package, "intelliget" behavior of henkari is not desired. As-is file handler can be forced by giving a http get parameter asis value yes. (Append ?asis=yes to download url) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.3. Html files (htmlHandler) This handler makes henkari behave more intelligently with html files. When handled by htmlHandler, html files are embedded to page template (see Section 4.2), content of html file's tag is appended to page content (which gets at it's turn to replace {content} template variable), content of html file's tag is appended to page title and so on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.4. Php scripts (phpHandler) This handler executes (with include()) a php script, buffers it's output and appends the output to page content. There are no special requirements to php scripts executed with phpHandler. There are a few minor limitations though. Script is not executed in global namespace as a plain php script without henkari would but in phpHandler::handle(). Remember to explisitely introduce global variables as global. If you want to bypass the template system you have to use UI::responseData and UI::addHeader() (see Section 5.3) to make your response work and have it correctly cached. I could look like this. <?php // Get user interface $ui =& UI::getInstance(); // Set response content type $ui->addHeader('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); // Set response data $swf_data = create_some_nifty_flash(); $ui->responseData = $swf_data; ?> Simple rule for generating your own response from within henkari means first retrieving instance of UI and replacing "header()" with "UI::addHeader()" and "echo" with "UI::responseData .=". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.5. Packages (tarHandler, gzipHandler) These two handlers make tar and gzip -packages behave exactly like directories. If a tar or gzip -package is requested, handler extracts the package to a temporary directory and recurses into it pretty much as directory handler would. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.6. Ejsc scripts (ejscHandler) This is an example of more advanced handler. It glues together a powerfull online geometric construction tool and a script compiler resulting remarkable ease of construction authoring. To learn more about these tools visit (JavaSketchpad homepage and read about Extended JavaSketchpad Construction Compiler from it's manual. ejscHandler compiles requested script with ejscc and appends the result to template variable "construction". "Local" template scriptfile.ejsc.html is used if found and builtin default template otherwise. If script has preprocessor directives of the form #define DEFAULT_variablename variablevalue Now template variable "variablename" is set to "variablevalue" if not overriden by http get or post -parameter which takes precendance. Default template has variables "string_name" (page title), "appletheight", "appletwidth", "codebase" (applet codebase, set default in config.php) and "construction" (place for JSP construction). If you want to set, say page title form script, you put the following line in ejsc script file. #define DEFAULT_string_name MyTitle You can change it's template behaviour with ejsc_template -parameter. It has the following possible values. local Local template (scriptfile.ejsc.html) is used (if found, otherwise default) and template is nested. default Default template is used and it's nested. plain_local As local but template is set root (no previously set templates are used). plain_default As default but template is set root. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3.7. Statement lists (statementlistHandler) Simple way to set up true-false quiz. [FIXME: Complete this...] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4. Automatic template variables Template variables (those strings in curly braces) get replaced by associated value if the data containing the variable is handled by template system. Package handlers and asisHandler don't use template system to produce their output (package handlers don't provide any output and asisHandler serves the plain file as it is). Next chapters provide a brief but comprehensive description on the template variables that have automagical content. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.1. Navigational elements A separate "label mapper" is responsible of mapping filenames to viewed names. If dirHandler encounters a map or pseudo command in dotindex configuration file it adds a corresponding name mapping rule to label mapper. Default mapping is to remove file extension and leading number (if not configured otherwise), replace underscores with spaces and capitalize first letter. A few examples: a_file.txt --> A file 03_directory --> Directory fancy_name_with_date_1.1.2000.html --> Fancy name with date 1.1.2000 All these automatic navigational elements use those mapped names for files and directories. You can change the way these automatical elements render. Look for the available configuration items from lib/henkariConfig.php. {TOC} Table of contents reflects the underlying filesystem structure with exceptions described in dotindex -files (see Section 3.3.2). It folds automatically to form a minimal tree still having all the children of requested item visible. {menu} Menu contains parent and all the children of requested item. You can hide parent item from menu. Just put "hide \.\." in your dotindex. {path} Path contains (as it's name suggests) the path from main page up to and including the viewed page. All path items are links which point to correspondig pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.2. Other automatic template variables {entrypoint_uri} Is replaced (a bit counter-intuitively) with an absolute path to root directory of this entrypoint. Assume you have henkari in henkari/ with no special tricks (url rewrite, etc.) under your personal webspace which is visible on http://www.myhost.com/~myself/ and mystyles.css in your henkari/root/css/ and you want to link it from you template with an absolute address so that it works in on every page. You can write {entrypoint_uri}/css/mystyles.css and henkari resolves it to /~myself/henkari/index.php/css/mystyles.css. {this_uri} Is replaced with an absolute path (see {entrypoint_uri}) to requested file. {base_uri} Is replaced with an absolute path (see {entrypoint_uri}) to the directory where requested file/directory resides. {title} Page title is placed here. Title is put together from pieces separated by $config->title->separator and pieces are taken from titles of nested templates in the order they appear (and from requested html file if htmlHandler was registered). {content} Page content is placed here. {date_modified} Is replaced with the last modification time of requested file/directory (if it exists). You can set date format in configuration. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5. Includes There's a special form of template variable (wich isn't actually handled with template system, but it behaves the same way) called include.Includes look like this. {#include random_file.html} {#include /random/location/random_file.html} {#include http://randomhost/awesomereport.html} Only whitespace allowed is the single space before filename. Two first examples are local files and the last one is a webpage. Local paths are taken relative to entrypoint directory. Content of the included file is assumed to be (x)html. <body> tag is searched and if it's found only its contents are used. Otherwise the whole file is included. If you have fopen wrappers enabled on your php you can use ftp-paths and specify host port. If fopen wrappers are not availabe henkari uses builtin web retrieve which only supports http and port 80. Note that only htmlHandler has this feature enabled. Includes work only in files handled by htmlHandler unless you define your own handler which uses this feature (see Section 5). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6. Builtin server side cache Every query is mapped to $config->cachefile in $config->cachedir (which you can set in config.php. If cachefile is found (and cache is on, i.e. $config->cache = true, default is off) the file (along with its headers) is sent to browser and no handlers are created. If you change website content and want the pages be refreshed you have to empty cache directory. If you only have changed single page you only have to delete cache files of that particular page. Name of cachefile is of the form henkaricache[requestpath].[crc] Where [requestpath] is the requested path slashes (/) replaced with hashes (#) and [crc] is crc32 polynomial of serialized http parameters. So if you changed root/info/news.html you only have to issue the following command in cache directory bash$ rm -f henkaricache#info#news.html.* Cache is turned on from configuration where also the cachedir is set (as previously described). If you want to use cache (why not!) make sure that $config->cachedir exists and is writable by php. Note that sometimes server-side scripts (as php) are run with their owner/creator's account and sometimes with webserver's account. Find out wich one applies to your host and change cachedir's permissions to allow php-scripts to write there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Extending To extend henkari features you need at least basic programming skills and knowledge of php programming language (see http://www.php.net/). Henkari is extended by creating your own php scripts which take advantage of henkari environment. Another more advanced way is to create and register your own handler(s) to be responsible of your own special files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1. User defined handlers Possibilities with handlers are next to infinite. You could for example have handler for files containing SQL, which would connect database, execute query and render the result to html table. More advanced one would be general image handler, which would verify that the type of requested image is found from Accept-Encoding header and if not, would try to convert requested image to one of the accepted types if possible. User defined handler is a correct solution when you have multitude of files that must be somehow prepared for viewing. Need for special behavior in a single point on your website is easier to satisfy by simple php-script. Creating your own handler starts (after you have decided that you really need it and this is the correct answer to problem in hand) with deciding where to put the physical file(s). If your handlers are strictly entrypoint spesific, you can create a directory for them under your entrypoint, for example lib_local/. If your handler could be used more widely consider making it GPL, (eventually) placing it in your lib/ and informing henkari author. Next is to devise a name. Naming convention for handlers is fooHandler where foo is the name of the thing this handler is intended to deal with. This will be the name of your handler class. Name the file containing the class fooHandler.class.php. You define a handler by inheriting from abstractHandler and overriding handle(). The following is the classic done properly as henkari handler. <?php class helloHandler extends abstractHandler { function handle() { $ui =& UI::getInstance(); $hello = 'Hello World!'; $ui-<pageTitle($hello); $ui-<appendToPage($hello); } } ?> This is of course pretty braindead handler, because it doesn't do anything with the file it was commanded to handle. Your newly defined handler is put into action by registering it to be responsible of files of certain type. Let's given an example of it by putting our new handler to handle *.hello files. This is accomplished by registering a file type and a handler for it in dothenkari. Assume that guidelines given for placing and naming handlers have been followed. <?php $mi =& MIME::getInstance(); $mi-<bindExtensionToType('hello', 'application/x-hellotrigger'); $hf =& handlerFactory::getInstance(); $hf-<registerHandler('application/x-hellotrigger', 'helloHandler', 'lib_local/helloHandler.class.php'); ?> First we bind file extension hello to a fabricated mime type. The the mime type is registered to be handled with helloHandler which is defined in lib_local/helloHandler.class.php relative to the entrypoint. Now for example request for file say.hello results to a page saying "Hello World!" and your template neatly wrapped over it. To learn more about the possibilities, read short interface descriptions (see Section 5.3) and read sources. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2. Your PHP scripts in henkari In henkari php scripts work pretty much as one would expect. You have henkari environment available, output of script ends up to page content and so on. You only have to keep in mind that your php code is executed in handle() function of phpHandler, and not in global namespace as it normally would. This might change in future releases of php, so refer to php documentation to see how include() works. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3. Interfaces This is short description of the interfaces of henkari core components. Useful member functions and properties are described. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.1. UI Don't instantiate this class! Call UI::getInstance() to obtain an instance. Remember to assign return value from getInstance() with referece assignment operator "=&". tpl An instance of phplib Template class. Set template variables using tpl->set_var($name, $value);. labelMapper An instance of henkariLabelMapper inherited from labelMapper. See interface description of labelMapper. responseData Holds the actual data to be sent in response to the recieved request. This becomes set only after handler recursion has been done. You can't check "what the page would look like" from here. If you want to bypass template system and all the nice features included, you can do it by setting the result data you want to this variable (and propably set headers too). asisHandler does this. Check an example from lib/asisHandler.class.php. setTemplate($template, $override=false) Set page template. The first variable is the template (itself, not filename). Template is set to be root template when no template was previously se or $override is true. More about templates in Section 4.2. addHeader($h) Adds a http header to response. Use this if your response is of different type than text/html. See lib/asisHandler.class.php as an example. appendToPage($str, $var=false) Appends given string to template variable. If no variable is given content is used. pageTitle($str, $append=false) Sets page title to be given string. If $append is true string is appended to variable, otherwise previous value is overriden. pageTitle('My Title', true); is equivalent to appendToPage('My Title', 'title'); isUndefined($variable) Checks if template system contains variable of given name as undefined variable. In here "undefined" means that there's {varname} somewhere in template, page content, etc. but there's no defined value corresponding to that variable. appendTo[TOC,Path,Menu]($uri, $label) Add an item to navigational elements, table of contents, path or menu. Takes as parameters the address and visible text to be used in links. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.2. labelMapper setLabel($key, $label) Sets the label of a key. getLabel($key) Returns the label corresponding to a key. If a label for requested key was explicitely set with setLabel() it's used. Otherwise label is obtained from defaultLabel(). defaultLabel($key) Returns a default label for given key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.3. handlerFactory Don't instantiate this class! Call handlerFactory::getInstance() to obtain an instance. Remember to assign return value from getInstance() with referece assignment operator "=&". registerHandler($mime, $classname, $classfile='') Registers class of given name to be responsible of handling the files of given type. If classfile is not explicitely given, the default policy lib/[classname].class.php is assumed. createHandler($root_uri, $filename, $patharray) Instantiates a handler for $filename and returns a reference to it. Remember to assign return value with referece assignment operator "=&". Other parameters are needed for handler instantiation. Read the description of abstractHandler interface to learn more about them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.4. abstractHandler patharray Request path from handled file to requested file. Stored in an array. For example random/path/file.html would be array("random", "path", "file.html"). filename Actual file (or directory) to be handled. root_uri Base for references created by this handler. In other words items contained by the thing pointed by filename have root_uri as their base web address. isDirectory True if handled file is a directory. Defaults to false. tmpdir A directory where temporary files and directories created by this handler should be placed in. createTmpDir() Create a new temporary directory inside default temporary directory and set tmpdir to point to this newly created directory. removeTmpDir() Remove temporary directory created with createTmpDir(). If no new directory has been created this has no effect. filecontents($file) Returns the contents of given file. Return value is empty if file doesn't exist or it cannot be read. parseNested($page) Parse includes on given page. Read more from Section 4.5. writePathEntry($trailing_slash = false) Appends handled file to navigational element {path} (see Section 4.4). Trailing slash is appeded to directories. Behavior of this function can be controlled with $config->path->files configuration option. It has three possible values: 'none' (no files are shown in path) 'noindex' (index -files are hidden from path, default) 'all' (all files are shown in path). Directories are always shown. handle() Override this when you create your own handler. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3.5. MIME Don't instantiate this class! Call MIME::getInstance() to obtain an instance. Remember to assign return value from getInstance() with referece assignment operator "=&". generic_type This mime type is returned when a mime type for file extension with no bindings is requested. getMimeTypeByFilename($filename) Returns an educated guess on mimetype based on filename. getMimeTypeByExtension($extension) Returns an educated guess on mimetype based on file extension. bindExtensionToType($ext, $type) Binds the given file extension to given mime type. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Appendices A.1. License agreement Henkari is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Henkari is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (in ./COPYING) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA