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Department of Biological and Environmental Science |
Leena Lindström
University lecturer in Ecology and Evolutionary biology
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
mobile: +358 40 8427228 fax: +358 14 617 239 e-mail: My main research interest is to use evolutionary understanding to predict species invasions. Combining the understanding of evolution with invasion biology, i.e. that invasive species show evolvability and thus the potential to change, allows one to utilize the knowledge of both ecology and evolutionary biology to create a better understanding of invasions. Our group has a unique situation in Finland to study the invasion biology of Leptinotarsa decemlineata in Europe, as the Colorado potato beetle is known to have the potential to occupy large areas and despite numerous attempts over the last years it has not yet established viable populations in Finland. My other major research interest is animal coloration. Particularly I am interested in understanding how it is possible that the same mechanism, predation, could have selected the diversity of animal coloration, namely cryptic and warning coloration.
Evira, Plant and animal quarantine office
Dos. Sami Aikio, University of Oulu
Dr. Yolanda Chen, University of Vermont, USA
Dr. Galina Benkovskaya, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa Scientific Center, Russia
Dr. Alessandro Grapputo, University of Padua, Italy
Prof. Hanna Kokko, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Johanna Mappes, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Dr. Maria Pawinska, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Bonin, Poland
Dr. Candy Rowe, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Prof. Kari Saikkonen , Luke, Natural Resource Institute Finland
Dr. Mike Speed, University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Irine Vänninen, uke, Natural Resource Institute Finland