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Anser erythropus
- Here are some news of interest to Friends of the
Lesser White-fronted Goose.
- We add short notes on top of the list, as they come
- For more information on Observations, see the
Observations page,
- For deeper information on other subjects, see the
- Construction work continued on farm . Third hall almost
completely reconstructed.
- 80 wintering LWfG reported from Netherlands. see obs
- Friends have been to The Netherlands and Germany
observing wintering LWfG and other birds.
Story and Photos here
- Tag-goose dead: The tagged Branta leucopsis has
probably been shot. More
information here.
- Friends have been to Kazakhstanissa observing LWfG and
other birds. Click here for
observations list.
- Autumn Work: Autumn is ian deal time for construction
work at the farm. The old Barnacle goose Hall is now torn down,
and the new one is under construction. Also four old breeding
boxes are on the way to being rebuilt. You are welcome to work
- Satellite project begins: The society has ordered 2
ARGOS satellite transmitters from USA. These shall be used to find
out the impact on the migration of transportation to Lapland on
the migration pattern of Barnacle Geese. this is a pilot project
of re-introduction using the barnacle goose method of Lambart von
- German visitors on farm: just before Midsummer, Johann
Mooij, Axel Paulsch and Wolfgang Scholze fråm Aktion
Zwerggans visiteed our LWfG farm in Hämeenkoski. They liked
very much what they saw here, and started to plan participation in
the bulding effort later this summer. Ryanairs cheap fares make
this possible.
- Swedish visitors at the farm: Just before snow melt in
april, we had some very welcome guests form Sweden - people
working with Projekt Fjällgås: Åke Andersson
(Öster-Malma, project leader), Kalle Johansson
(Öster-Malma, caretaker), Bertil Österberg
(Öster-Malma, member of project), Marianne Österberg
(Öster-Malma). Having enjoyed watching the geese, we decided
to cooperate in ordering food and building-material. Pentti Alho
will also visit Öster-Malma.
- 31 goslings vintage 2oo3. In spite of the extreme
winter, 31 LWfG hatched this summer. Also the farm buildings are
doing relatively well: the broken net over the old Barnacle Goose
hall has been replaced . Later in summer we must go on
construction work: water cleaning, a fold hjouse, new breeding
boxes and a new pasture have to be built. The oldest hall must be
torn down and possibly rebuilt, also
- Finnish scientist made an expedition to Kargopol oblast.
Of our members participated Elena Gurtavaja, Eero Peltonen,
Jouni Riihimäki Petri Uronen and also our friends Erkki
Kellomäki , Ari Lehtinen, och Natalia Ripatti were there.
More on the obseravations page.
- RGG:ns water fowl conference was held in i Olonets i
Ryssland just after Easter. Our society - and all of Finland -
was represented bu Lauri Kahanpää, who gave a talk on
the hjistory of the Project in Sweden and Finland. The resoltion
of the conference will contain a positive statement.
- The Friend's Observation Project of wintering LWfG in
Iran has started, and first observations are available. Our
researcher, prof. Jamsheed Mansoori has seen 3 birds at
Fereydoun Kenar. For his full report, see the observations
- An imprtant donation: A very good friend of the Lesser
White-fronted Goose (as well as of its Friends) Erkki
Kellomäki will retire from his position as Director of
Häme environmental center on Mar. 31. 2003. To show their
appreciation of Erkki's career, his friends have followed his
wish, and donated funds to our society. We express our
gratitude for this donation of 2824 euro and wish
Erkki Kellomäki tenthousand happy years, as the saying goes
in China. The funds will be spent to finance our participation in
the on-going EU-supported project.
- Wetlands Internationals Goose Specialist Group held their
annual conference Dec. 13-18 2002 inCota Donanas national
park in Spain. We were represented by Lauri Kahanpää and
the rest of Finland by (in alphabetical order) Pentti Alho, Erkki
Kellomäki, Juha Markkola, Jorma Pessa, Minna Ruokonen and
Petteri Tolvanen. Dr. Marina V. Kholodova (A.N.Severtsov Institute
of Ecology and Evolution , RAS Moscow, Russia) talked on her
research on the genetics of (our) captive Lesser White-fronted
Geese. The complete report of this
study can be found behind this link. Its contents correspond
to the earlier announcenemts (See Bulletin 2/2002).
- Petri Uronen took care of the farm, while Pentti Alho
was away in Spain. The Geese are fine! Thank you, Petri!
- The roof nets were damaged by an ice storm. In a
November night, rain, changing into wet snow, later freezing and
adding more snow pressed down the ceiling nets at the farm.
Fortunately, the Barnacle Geese were locked inside their hall for
the night, since their roof net was completely destroyed. and must
be replaced. The LWfG's very large net is of better quality and
could be rescued. No birds were lost.
- The new hall and Bird Hospital was opened on 28.11.2002.
Here is its logo:
AND NORTH ASIA, former RGG) has published the
of their large Goose and Swan Conference in Moscow 2001. "The
Conference recommends to pay particular attention to the
strengthening and developing contacts with ...... foreign national
societies for bird protection (e. g., GSSG has established
contacts with Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection and
Finnish Society of friends of the Lesser White-fronted
Goose and cooperation with them has been very fruitful)".
- Volunteers have contihued improving conditions at the farm in
Hämeenkoski. The new hall will be presented to the press
in November.
- The final gene test report has arrived from Moscow, and
will be published at Wetlands Internationals Goose Specialist
Groups meeting in Spain in December.
- The Friends of the LWfG have invited and chaired a conference
of bird and animal hospitals in Finland. Most of the invited
attended the meeting,, and agreed upon permanent cooperation
including funding, res
- The Society is supporing / carrying out observations of
fall migration of LWfG in Kazakhstan. (Funds have been donated
to the Society for this purpose.) .
- LWfG autumn migration going on. At the well known
Hortobagy stop-overing site a total of 33 LWfG were observed on
Sep 28.2002. Almost a dozen were observed to carry Norwegian
rings. Also, teh first LWfG arrived in Holland on 29. Sep. For
more obs, see observations page.
- The wild LWfG had a good breeding result, both in Norway
and in Sweden. In Norway, 69 exx ( ad+ juv) were observed, in
Sweden approx. 20 juv .
- Bulletin 2002/ 2 has appeared
in English.
- Öster-Malma in Sweden had a difficult summer,
resulting in just a few goslings. The problems are due to
eliminating some of the flock in order to improve the remaining
genetically. This has - on the short run - led to various harmful
changes, notoably to separation of well established pairs.
- An all time high number of 43 LWfG have been produced
on our farm in Hämeenkoski. At the Helsinki Zoo five more!
- New German
LWfG- Project
- Bar-Headed Goose Project Home Page
draft ready
- New shirts and colleges with better printed logo available
- Web pages renewed in february
- New structure prefers a browser supporting frames
- New featurs:
- Bulletin now also in English
- News page,
- Page with recent LWfG observations (Send us your's)
- The Friends of the LWfG go intercontinetal:
- New member in Asia, another in Antarcica!
- We search for a stand-in farmkeeper for a week next
- Come with us to construct the farm
- First half year: (Any time is OK Just call the farm in
- feb2. - 10 : north end of hall to be finished
- mar 2. - 3 : hall interior
- mar 16. - 17 : cleaning
- apr 26. - 28 : hall interior II,
- may 5. - 6 : fencing ; Opening ceremony
- jun 9.- 17 : build sewage cleaning system
- later: contruct food storage building and renovate 6 old
brooding boxes to new standard
- General meeting
- Mar 18 in Hämeenlinna, Birger Jaarlinkatu 13, first
- LWfG artist of the year is Pekka Saikko.
- LWfG observations from the Netherlands
- See the observation page!
- Lauri Kahanpää and Antti Ripatti visited Helsinki
Zoo in december
- Agreement was reached to cooperate in food and medical care
for LWfG
- Hard wind damaged farm constructions in november
- Part of the roof net supporting structure came down in the
stormy wind that hit Finland. Also part of the fence came down,
so the farm area was completely open for hours. No birds were
- Bubo bubo inside farm area.
- Fortunately only other birds - no LWfG were killed. The Owl
was transported away alive.
- Publication of "taking care of wounded birds-project" in
Lahti in october
- The Friend' s farm at Hämeenkoski is also used for
this purpose.
- Anser indicus farming supported by Friends since 2001
- The society supports the farm run by Alexander Yakovlev in
Kyrgyzstan. Support from Roosta meeting people was found., so
we could donate a full year's funds and a telescope to
Kyrgyzstan. Thanks, donators!
- Wetlands International meeting in may in Estonia
- Lauri and Antti participated in this stormy meeting. Great
fun, success and problems, see Bulletin.
- RGG meeting in Moscow in january.
- Lauri was there. This meeting was a great success for the
Friends. See Bulletin.
< kahanpaa@math.jyu.fi> updated Feb.20.2004