2.2 Types of method knowledge
The literature suggests many approaches to analyzing and
characterizing different facets of methods including their structure, content
and use (e.g. Olle et al. 1982, 1983, 1986, 1988, Lyytinen 1986, Hackathorn and
Karimi 1988, Wijers 1991, Blum 1994, Krogstie and Sølvberg 1996). These
different categorizations are almost as numerous as the methods available. For
the purposes of ME, we combine some of them which have been applied in ME
research (Wijers 1991, Kronlöf 1993, Jarke et al. 1998) to analyze what
type of knowledge ISD methods contain.
The categorization applied here is illustrated in Figure
2-2, whose shape leads us to call it a shell model. According to the model,
methods are based on a number of concepts and their interrelations. These
concepts are applied in modeling techniques to represent models of ISs according
to a notation. Processes must be based on the concepts and they describe how
models are created, manipulated, and used with the notation. The concepts and
their representations are derived, analyzed, corrected etc. by various
stakeholders. In addition, methods include specific development objectives about
a ‘good’ IS, and have some underlying values,
“weltanschauung” and other philosophical assumptions (Olle et al.
1991, Wijers 1991, Krogstie and Sølvberg 1996).
FIGURE 2-2 Types of method knowledge.
The shape of a shell emphasizes that different types of
method knowledge are neither exclusive, nor orthogonal. Each type of knowledge
complements the others and all are required to yield a “complete”
method, although many methods focus only on the concepts and notations included
in modeling techniques. To illustrate relationships between different types of
method knowledge we can use the concept of functional decomposition as an
example (cf. Table 2-1). In the procedural guidelines of Structured Analysis
(DeMarco 1979) this concept is described as a top-down refinement of the system
starting from the high level diagram. In the modeling technique this concept is
implemented as the possibility for every process to have a sub-diagram, and in
the balancing of the data flows between the decomposed process and its
sub-diagram. The concept of decomposition also affects other method knowledge in
several ways: the method should explain who identifies, specifies, and reviews
decompositions; the partitioning of the system into a hierarchical structure
dominates the design decisions and reveals the underlying assumptions of the
method, i.e. that an IS can be effectively designed by partitioning the system
based on its processes.
TABLE 2-1 Examples of method knowledge.
Because of these dependencies it is often impossible to
focus only one type of method knowledge. For this thesis, this means that
metamodeling the conceptual structures behind modeling techniques is not
meaningful if other parts of the method knowledge are not considered. Similarly,
it is not meaningful to use a modeling technique just to represent the designs
if the underlying values or design objectives are not known. Therefore, when
specifying functional decompositions we need to also consider aspects related to
the process, or how various design alternatives can be sought using data flow
Accordingly, in the following we shall analyze examples of
method knowledge using the shell model. The analysis of method knowledge is
based on the methods studied in Chapter 4 and on a method survey carried out by
Tolvanen and Lyytinen (1994). The analysis allows us to understand methods in
more detail as subjects of ME: the applicability of a method is determined
partly by how well its specific composition of method knowledge is suitable for
the ISD task at hand. By highlighting various aspects of methods, the shell
model also provides a clear delimitation of the types of method knowledge that
interest us (conceptual structures of modeling techniques). Consequently, the
shell model is also applied in Chapter 3, where we inspect what types of method
knowledge are addressed with available ME
2.2.1 Conceptual structure
During ISD it is impossible to analyze and represent the
system to be built in its full richness. It is therefore necessary to restrict
attention to a smaller number of concepts which are meaningful and sufficient to
conceptualize and interpret the relevant parts of the object system. Such a
conceptualization consists of a set of concepts, relationships between them and
constraints applying to them, forming a conceptual structure.
The conceptual structure forms the basis for other types
of method knowledge and therefore all ISD methods are based on a conceptual
structure. Some of the concepts are applied directly in notations, e.g. a class
with a rectangular symbol as in Rumbaugh et al. (1991), whereas some are related
more to the process, e.g. a top-down modeling approach via decomposition; or to
design objectives, e.g. clear responsibilities on data usage. Because of the
importance of the conceptual structure most arguments supporting a specific ISD
method deal with promoting specific concepts. Similarly, most research on method
analysis and comparison (e.g. CRIS-conferences, Olle et al. 1982, 1983, 1986,
1988) focus mainly on the conceptual structures of methods. It must be noticed
that while defining what aspects can and must be considered during ISD, the
conceptual structure of a given method also excludes some other aspects as
irrelevant. In this way methods can be seen as enforcing a particular world view
via their conceptual structure (Welke and Konsynski 1980). The conceptual
structures behind different methods differ for various reasons, but most
importantly they vary because of differences in the domain, levels of rigor, and
other types of method knowledge considered. These differences are described in
the following.
First, because of different ISD contingencies, and
differences in the systems being built (from business administration systems to
automated robots), a variety of fundamental concepts exist. This is also one of
the main reasons why so many methods have been developed. For example, methods
which aim to develop single systems (e.g. Yourdon 1989a, Jackson 1976, Ross and
Schoman 1977) include concepts such as local functions, data structures, data
flows, control flows, and functional decomposition. Methods for managing system
architectures (e.g. IBM 1984) focus on internal business processes, data sharing
and access rights. Methods for business modeling (e.g. Vepsäläinen
1988, Ciborra 1987, Macdonald 1991) include concepts such as organizational
structures and responsibilities, value adding, production and transaction costs
(cf. Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994).
Second, conceptual structures can differ based on their
rigor and degree of formality. These explain how well and strictly the
relationships between the concepts, constraints and verification rules are
defined mathematically. Some less formal and general concepts of a method, such
as flexibility in the face of business changes, e.g. in BSP (IBM 1984), are
loosely related to other concepts of a method, whereas some other concepts can
be defined in more detail. For example, SA/SD (Yourdon 1989a, p 278) defines
that each process must be specified with a decomposition or process
specification, but not with both. Typically, methods which focus on earlier
phases of the ISD life-cycle, such as business modeling or requirements
engineering, include less rigorous conceptual structures compared with methods
targeted for later phases, such as software design. For example, in BON (Walden
and Nerson 1995) the concept of a class is related closely to the equivalent
concept applied in a specific object-oriented programming language called Eiffel
(Meyer 1992). A more rigorously specified method leads to more uniform
descriptions and process, but it will also limit the system developers’
freedom in method use situations by reducing the opportunities for contextual
modification of the method.
Third, conceptual structures differ among methods in how
they cover other types of method knowledge. For example, most methods, like UML
(Booch et al. 1997), focus only on the concepts behind modeling techniques. In
contrast, other methods like BSP (IBM 1984) also specify procedural guidelines,
different user roles, and even state which kinds of deliverables are considered
good. Thus, the conceptual structure of BSP also includes concepts which are
related to other types of method knowledge, such as processes, participants and
design objectives.
2.2.2 Notation
Concepts defined as part of the conceptual structure can be
discussed and represented only by using some kind of a notation. In a modeling
technique, a notation is always associated with a conceptual structure (cf.
Figure 2-1). The association between notation and the conceptual structure
defines the semantics of the notation. Notations can be characterized according
to the degree of their underlying formal semantics into formal (logic, rules),
semi-formal (structured and object-oriented methods), and free form (e.g. rich
pictures in (Checkland, 1981)). The degree of formality reflects the underlying
conceptual structure, and methods apply modeling techniques with different
degrees of formality in different phases of the ISD life-cycle, typically moving
from informal to formal (Pohl 1996).
To understand the method knowledge behind notations, its
relation to the underlying conceptual structure must be clarified. This
relationship is also called the conceptual-representational dimension (Smolander
et al. 1990). Viewed from the notation point of view, each notational construct
in a modeling technique must be related to some part of the conceptual
structure. Ideally, each concept of the modeling technique has only one
notational representation, e.g. a symbol. This principle minimizes the overload
of notational constructs, and guarantees that all concepts can be represented in
the technique. Accordingly, the completeness of representations (Batani et al.
1992, Venable 1993) or representational fidelity (Weber and Zhang 1996), i.e.
availability of only one notational construct for each concept, is a well-known
criterion for dealing with interpretations between modeling concepts and
notations. For example, to describe classes, a modeling technique must have a
related construct (i.e. apply the concept defined in the conceptual structure of
the method) and define how it is represented (e.g. the “cloud”
symbol in Booch (1991)).
From the conceptual structure point of view, each concept
does not necessarily have a single notational construct, and may not be
supported in the notation at all. The former can be characterized as construct
redundancy and the latter as construct deficiency (Weber and Zhang 1996).
Although these situations can be considered undesirable they are typical:
notations are not necessarily designed to cover the whole conceptual structure,
and object system characteristics can be represented by using several notational
constructs and modeling techniques. Examples of the former are modeling
techniques which apply only a subset of the concepts defined in the conceptual
structure. For example, the graphical modeling technique EXPRESS-G is a subset
of the EXPRESS language (ISO 1991). An example of construct deficiency is the
concept of ‘object life-cycle’ which does not have any single
modeling construct or notational symbol, but can be perceived from a state model
of a class (i.e. through instances). Similarly, in BSP (IBM 1984) one key
concept is to establish clear data responsibilities. During modeling this is
achieved by allowing only one (or as few as possible) process to create a single
data class. Therefore, a concept of ‘clear data responsibility’ can
be represented only by perceiving the whole system architecture derived within
BSP, as no single construct is available in the modeling technique to represent
that notion. In fact, one can claim that ‘clear data responsibility’
is related to design objectives or to underlying values of the method but not to
the modeling technique. Although this claim is true it must be noticed that the
modeling technique and notation should also support modeling of data
responsibilities. Otherwise, such a design objective can not be represented and
alternative choices to achieve it can not be analyzed (Tolvanen and Lyytinen
Furthermore, all aspects of an IS can not be represented
with one modeling technique, and so methods apply multiple techniques, sometimes
even to the extent of using several techniques to describe the same aspect. Such
different views can serve important goals including communication, analysis,
understanding and prediction. As a result, a concept can be perceived in
different ways via the different notations applied by different modeling
techniques. Hence, construct redundancy is typical in a whole method because it
allows the user to interrelate models.
First, different notations can be used to represent models
based on the same conceptual structure or the same concepts. An example of the
former can be found from UML (Booch et al. 1997) which applies two modeling
techniques with different notations yet based on the same underlying semantics,
namely an event trace diagram and a collaboration diagram. An example of the
latter is the concept of a class which can be represented as a graphical
rectangle notation in a diagram or as a string in a cluster chart table (e.g.
Walden and Nerson 1995). Second, a notational element may be related to more
than one construct of a technique. In this case, the interpretation of the
notation depends on the context in which the notation is used. For example, a
rectangle can represent an entity in the data modeling context, whereas it
represents a terminator in the data flow view. Therefore, the relationship
between conceptual constructs of modeling techniques and notations can be
many-to-many. On the other hand, all modeling related concepts do not
necessarily have notational constructs at all. In particular, concepts related
to connections between models (and modeling techniques) are often defined
weakly, if at all (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994), and thus often have no notation.
For example, in most of the object-oriented methods it is difficult to notice
from a state model which states belong to different objects (i.e. instances of a
class). This limitation, of course, comes from the limitations of
representation-related completeness (Venable 1993) and shows overload of
notational constructs (Weber and Zhang 1996). In other words, the notation does
not distinguish all parts of the conceptual structure.
Independently of the notation, modeling techniques can be
classified according to their representation form, the type of format in which
the model is represented. The most frequently used representation forms include
graphical diagrams, which dominate most methods; matrixes, often used in methods
for IS planning (IBM 1984, Andersen 1991); tables, mostly used in methods for
early phases of ISD (e.g. Critical Success Factors (Rockart 1979) or Root
Definition (Checkland 1981)), indented lists (Goldkuhl 1993); text related to
other representations or as separate textual specifications (e.g. Class
Description (Coleman et al. 1994), or mini-specs (Yourdon 1989a)) and hyper-text
(Isakowitz et al. 1995). Independence of the notation means that the same model
can be described in different representation forms but still have the same
notational constructs. For example, a graphical data flow diagram can also be
represented in a matrix, and the notation elements, e.g. symbols for processes,
can be the same (Kelly 1997). The representation form also implies some mappings
to a technique and its underlying conceptual structure: For example, a graphical
representation with nodes and links implies that a conceptual structure
distinguishes between objects and relationships. The modeling techniques
analyzed in this thesis are mostly graphical, but include also matrix and
tabular representation forms.
2.2.3 Processes
Method knowledge also covers procedural guidelines which
describe how an ISD effort should be carried out. The process aspect of the
method can be distinguished based on several criteria, but most often it
includes modeling related processes (way of working) and management related
processes (way of controlling, Olle et al. 1991). The former describes how the
ISD method produces its results, the outcomes of the method use, and the latter
how the project is planned, organized, and managed. For this thesis, the former
is of greater importance, since it is related more closely to the modeling
techniques studied here.
Based on our definition of a modeling technique, processes
define in what order, and in what way the techniques are used to produce the
desired models. To be useful, processes must be based on the conceptual
structure of the method. For example, in SA/SD (Yourdon 1989a) a concept of
decomposition is reflected in a modeling process as a top-down refinement of the
system starting from the context diagram. The possibility to add one sub-diagram
for every process must also be supported by the conceptual structure. In
contrast, a conceptual structure can also restrict some selections to be made in
process. For example, it can include some process-related rules, e.g. that every
data flow diagram, except the context diagram, must have a higher level process
The process aspect of the method, however, can not be
found explicitly from every method. For example, methods may claim to cover the
whole life-cycle of ISD, but actually they offer support for only a few tasks,
and are based on limited views of ISD (Kronlöf 1993). The processes can be
further divided into those which manipulate elements of the conceptual structure
and those which manipulate notations (Lyytinen et al. 1998). Thus, the latter
actions deal mostly with the “cosmetics” of the models, such as
placing external entities on the border of data flow diagram, or placing
super-classes above sub-classes.
2.2.4 Participation and roles
ISD is a group activity in which multiple people participate
in different roles, e.g. managers, programmers, designers, and end-users (Olle
et al. 1991). Some methods also aim to describe these group aspects, such as
organizational structures, responsibilities, and roles that the participating
people have. For example, BSP (IBM 1984) defines the stakeholders and different
roles needed to define system architectures.
It must be emphasized that most methods do not describe
organizational structures related to method use or roles. In fact, most of the
methods analyzed in Chapter 4 implicitly assume that they are used only by IS
professionals, and mainly by analysts and designers. Partly the participation is
implicitly defined according to the intended domain of use: methods which aim to
develop a single system naturally have a more restricted set of stakeholders
than methods which aim to manage multiple systems or re-design business
processes (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994). Those which identify roles and other
participation-related issues are usually tied to specific ISD tasks in which the
participation of end-users or domain experts is
2.2.5 Development objectives and decisions
Methods are not only used to describe the current system, they
also help to improve the current situation by carrying out the change process.
To this end methods also describe how feasible specifications can be sought or
alternative solutions generated (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994). This is based on
the method’s implicit or explicit rationale on how a “good” IS
should be developed.
Development objectives are general statements about types
of solutions considered desirable, whereas development decisions are more
explicit and closely related to method use. Examples of the former are the
formulation of a system architecture so that it is flexible (e.g. IBM 1984), or
re-designing business processes so that hierarchical structures are flattened
(Hammer and Champy 1993). The latter are more concrete and describe how the
objectives can be obtained. In IS integration methods (e.g. Kerner 1979, IBM
1984, Katz 1990) the main development decision is made based on the degree of
(de-)centralization in the organization, and this choice then provides a basis
for determining application boundaries. Some IS design methods recognize
technical issues, such as hardware capacity, available database management
system, and operating mode (Tolvanen and Lyytinen 1994), which should be
considered while seeking design solutions.
Development objectives and decisions are related to other
types of method knowledge. For example, it is hard to achieve an objective if it
can not be perceived, represented and assessed within the method. Therefore,
development objectives and decisions should be closely related to the process,
notation and the conceptual structure. Sometimes the biggest differences between
methods are found in the development objectives: the conceptual models can be
partially or even totally alike, but the underlying development objectives can
be different. For example, both architecture planning methods (Kerner 1979, IBM
1984, Katz 1990) and BPR methods (Harrington 1991) apply the same concept of a
‘business process’, yet architecture planning methods consider
business process structures largely as immutable, while BPR methods aim to
change them.
Unfortunately, the link between the objectives and
notations and processes often remains unclear. It is rare that all important
development decisions are described explicitly, and if described they relate to
specific tasks considered problematic by the method developer. For example,
Rumbaugh et al. (1991) describe four different approaches which could be chosen
to create a schema for a relational database from class diagrams, mainly based
on how an inheritance relationship should be transformed into a relational
2.2.6 Values and assumptions
Methods are always based on some underlying philosophical
assumptions or “Weltanschauung”. These can also be called the
“invisible” or “hidden” assumptions behind methods
(Wijers 1991), or the way of thinking (Olle et al. 1991). For example, Krogstie
and Sølvberg (1996) differentiate methods based on three views,
constructivistic, objectivistic and mentalistic, based on how reality (in ISD
the system to be developed) is observed and what kind of relationship it has
with the models.
The distinction between development objectives and
underlying values is important since many methods claim to have specific values,
but they remain hidden in the method. Another situation is that two methods can
aim for the same development objective but with different types of decisions and
concepts. In fact, most of the methods do not explicitly define or even
recognize the underlying assumptions.
2.2.7 Summary of method knowledge
In this section we described method knowledge using the shell
model. The distinction of different types of method knowledge is relevant for
our study to restrict our view of modeling techniques while seeing their role in
context. This means that we can focus on those parts of the conceptual structure
which are applied in IS modeling.
The shell model also emphasizes the dependencies between
different types of method knowledge. Because of these dependencies it is
impossible to focus on only one type of method knowledge. In this thesis this
means that modeling of conceptual structures behind modeling techniques is not
meaningful if other parts of the method knowledge are not considered. Most
noteworthy is the conceptual-representational dimension: the dependency between
a conceptual structure and a notation. While the notation itself is not one of
our interests, the modeling of notational constructs is needed because both the
development and use of modeling techniques is difficult without notations and
representational forms.