Janne Nurminen

Doctoral student, part of Inverse problems group
Department of mathematics and statistics
University of Jyväskylä

Email: janne.s.nurminen[at]jyu.fi

Current affairs:

I was one of the organizers of a Seminar for young researchers.

Research interests: Inverse problems, nonlinear PDE

  • In particular, inverse problems for partial differential equations

Publications and preprints

  • Inverse problems for semilinear elliptic PDE with a general nonlinearity a(x,u).
    Preprint in arXiv.
  • An inverse problem for the minimal surface equation in the presence of a Riemannian metric.
    Preprint in arXiv.
  • Determining an unbounded potential for an elliptic equation with a power type nonlinearity.
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Volume 523, Issue 1, 1 July 2023, 126962. Preprint in arXiv.
  • An inverse problem for the minimal surface equation.
    Nonlinear Analysis Volume 227, February 2023, 113163. Preprint in arXiv.

Conferences and talks

  • Inverse problem for the minimal surface equation in the presense of a Riemannian metric
    Applied Inverse Problems 2023, 6.9.2023, University of Göttingen, Germany
  • Inverse problems for the minimal surface equation (invited)
    Inverse problems seminar, 18.04.2023, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Inverse problems for the minimal surface equation (invited)
    Analysis seminar, 12.04.2023, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  • An inverse problem for the minimal surface equation
    28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, 20.08.2022, Aalto University, Finland
  • An inverse problem for the minimal surface equation
    Poster: Inverse Problems in Analysis and Geometry, 2.8.2022, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • An inverse problem for the minimal surface equation
    Inverse Days 2021, 15.12.2021, Tampere University, Finland
  • I also gave a couple of talks in the Seminar for young researchers. See the website for more information.

Teaching and related

  • Lecturer: Preliminary Course in Mathematics, fall 2023, University of Jyväskylä.
    Here is the website.
  • Organizer of a seminar for graduate and undergraduate students at University of Jyväskylä,
    September 2022 - December 2023 :Seminar for young researchers.
  • Teaching assistant: I have been a teaching assistant on undergraduate courses such as Calculus and Vectorcalculus in the University of Jyväskylä.
  • Material: I was one of the first developers of a mathematical material aimed at undergraduate students in physics and chemistry: Matikkapakki. It is designed to help develop and maintain mathematical skills needed in the study of physics and chemistry.
