The Eurasian Politician
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Notice: The Eurasian Politician is online only as an archive since 2005.

Dear Readers,

‘The Eurasian Politician’ is a non-profit independent web-based journal on political and security affairs of Eurasia, concentrating in Eastern Europe and Western and Central Asia. It is a edited on voluntary basis by righteous and ambitious young individuals, who tirelessly search an understanding of the truth. We are from different corners of Europe – Finland, Greece, Ichkeria, Estonia, Britain... – and we all have different backgrounds in our so far short but far from uninteresting lives, but we share the same faith in individual liberty and responsibility of an able individual to aspire his goals. We also do not hide our preference of the universal values of human dignity and rights, sometimes called the Western values, although none of us was originally born in the ‘West proper’. The latter fact, however, has helped us to attain an insight into the East, which often lacks in simplified reporting of Eurasian politics.


  1. To provide and promote a forum for the study of the European and Asian countries within a political, social and economic domain.
  2. To study and understand the dynamics and logics of the recent history of Europe and Eurasia, for the transition period at the end of the 20th century is the most crucial in European history since the WW2.
  3. To provide case studies in order to analyse transitional economies.
  4. To provide useful background information about the opportunities and risks in the "Eastern" market.
  5. To provide insight for understanding of the social situation that penetrates deep into the lives of people.
  6. To provide an understanding of different kinds of nation-defining processes in the post-communist countries, and the stability and instability of political, civil, regional, ethnic and religious circumstances in these countries. (This includes also a historic view on the causes lying in the structures during and before the Cold War era.)
  7. To provide insight into multitude of relations between countries of this region and their relationship to various Western countries and structures, as well as into the specific problematique of the intermediary situation of many small and medium-size countries between the large hegemonic countries.
  8. To provide an insight and early analyses on the potential crises in the area.

In addition, articles should aim at:

  1. Providing the reader as much as possible with a general all-rounded view (since this area is still to a degree terra incognito for the West).
  2. Finding a ‘midway’ between opinions and facts, (i.e. to avoid using any of these at the expense of the other). This also means that we intend to prioritise contents of our analyses to their utter form. The purpose of our objectivity is honesty, not neutralisation of values from the interpretation of political phenomena. Like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stated: "I can promise to be honest, but I cannot promise to be impartial." However, we are not partial in favour of any government; just in favour of basic human dignity.

In addition, this forum aims at diverting the attention of the contributors from assuming a position in a certain theoretical tradition, towards a centre which is both interdisciplinary and new in that it makes accessible the views of contributors from a large number of disciplines.

We wish you will find ‘The Eurasian Politician’ interesting, informative, inspiring, intellectually stimulating, and a good and trustworthy advisor in your understanding of the Eurasian politics. Think about us as an advisor not bound to any government, as a foreign political conscience of Eurasia.

Yours Truly,

The Head Editorial Board (until 4/2004):
Anssi Kullberg, Helsinki, Finland
Roman Khalilov, London, U.K.
Antti Hämäläinen, Jyväskylä, Finland

More about the editors

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