Publications of Antti Vähäkangas
A book
Kinnunen, J., J. Lehrbäck
and A. Vähäkangas, Maximal Function Methods for
Sobolev Spaces, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 257, American
Articles submitted for publication
Kinnunen, J., J. Lehrbäck, A.V. Vähäkangas and D. Yang,
Self-improving properties of weighted norm inequalities on metric measure
Ihnatsyeva, L., K. Mohanta and A.V.
Fractional Hardy inequalities and capacity density.
Articles in international refereed journals
Lehrbäck, J., K. Mohanta and A.V.
Classifying Triebel-Lizorkin capacities in metric spaces,
J. Fourier Anal. Appl., accepted for publication.
Kline, J. and
A.V. Vähäkangas,
Characterization of the upper Assouad codimension,
J. Math. Soc. Japan, accepted for publication.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R., J. C. Martínez-Perales, C.
Pérez and
A.V. Vähäkangas,
On the weighted inequality between the Gagliardo and Sobolev
seminorms, Israel J. Math., accepted for publication.
Anderson, T.C., J. Lehrbäck, C. Mudarra and A.V.
Weakly porous sets and Muckenhoupt A_p distance functions, J. Funct.
doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110558.
Canto, J., L. Ihnatsyeva, J. Lehrbäck and A.V.
Capacities and density conditions in metric spaces, Potential Anal.,
doi: 10.1007/s11118-024-10137-5.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R., J. C. Martínez-Perales, C.
Pérez and
A.V. Vähäkangas,
On the BBM-phenomenon in fractional Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities with weights,
Int. Math. Res. Not., Volume 2023, Issue 20 (2023), 17205-17244,
doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnac246.
Canto, J. and A.V.
The Hajłasz capacity density condition is self-improving,
J. Geom. Anal., Volume 32, Number 11 (2022), doi:
Dyda, B., J. Lehrbäck, and A.V.
Fractional Poincaré and localized Hardy inequalities on metric
Adv. Calc. Var., Volume 16, Number 4 (2023), 867-884, doi:
Ihnatsyeva L., J. Lehrbäck and A.V.
Hardy-Sobolev inequalities and weighted capacities in metric spaces,
Math. Scand., Volume 128, Number 3 (2022), doi:
Kurki, E-K. and A.V.
Weighted norm inequalities in a bounded domain by the sparse domination
method, Rev. Mat. Complut.
34 (2021), 435-467,
doi: 10.1007/s13163-020-00358-8.
Eriksson-Bique, S., J. Lehrbäck and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Self-improvement of weighted pointwise inequalities on open sets,
J. Funct. Anal, Volume 279, Issue 7 (2020), doi:
10.1016/j.jfa.2020.108691. [PDF]
Eriksson-Bique, S. and A.V.
Self-improvement of pointwise Hardy inequality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
372 (2019), 2235-2250, doi: 10.1090/tran/7826. [PDF]
Kinnunen, J., R. Korte, J. Lehrbäck and A.V. Vähäkangas,
A maximal function approach to two-measure Poincaré
inequalities, J. Geom. Anal., Volume 29 (2019),
1763-1810, doi:
Kinnunen, J., J. Lehrbäck, A.V. Vähäkangas and X. Zhong,
Maximal function estimates and self-improvement results for
inequalities, Manuscripta Math., Volume 158, Issue 1-2 (2019),
Dyda, B., J. Lehrbäck, and A.V.
Fractional Hardy-Sobolev type inequalities for half spaces and John
domains, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 146, Number 8 (2018), 3393-3402.
Dyda, B., L. Ihnatsyeva, J. Lehrbäck, H. Tuominen and A.V.
Muckenhoupt A_p-properties of distance functions and applications to
Hardy-Sobolev -type inequalities, Potential Anal., Volume 50, Issue
1 (2019), 83-105.
Luiro, H. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Beyond local maximal operators, Potential Anal., Volume 46, Issue 2 (2017), 201-226.
Lehrbäck, J., H. Tuominen and A.V.
Self-improvement of uniform fatness revisited, Math. Ann., Volume 368, Issue 3-4 (2017), 1439-1464.
Lehrbäck, J. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
In between the inequalities of Sobolev and Hardy, J. Funct. Anal,
Volume 271, Issue 2 (2016), 330-364.
Dyda, B., L. Ihnatsyeva and A.V.
On improved fractional Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities,
Ark. Mat., Volume 54, Issue 2
(2016), 437-454.
Luiro, H. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Local maximal operators on fractional Sobolev spaces,
J. Math. Soc. Japan, Volume 68, Number 3 (2016), 1357-1368.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R., N. Marola and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Poincaré inequalities in
quasihyperbolic boundary condition domains,
Manuscripta Math., Volume 148, Issue 1 (2015), 99-118.
Ihnatsyeva, L., J. Lehrbäck, H. Tuominen and A.V.
Fractional Hardy inequalities and visibility of the boundary,
Studia Math., Volume 224, Number 1 (2014), 47-80.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Fractional Sobolev-Poincare and fractional
Hardy inequalities in unbounded John domains,
Mathematika, Volume 61, Issue 02 (2015), 385-401.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R., N. Marola and A.V. Vähäkangas, Aspects
of local-to-global results, Bull. London Math. Soc., Volume 46, Issue 5
Dyda, B. and A.V.
A framework for fractional Hardy inequalities, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn.
Math., Volume 39 (2014), 675-689.
Dyda, B. and A.V.
Characterizations for fractional Hardy inequality,
Adv. Calc. Var., Volume 8, Issue 2 (2015), 173-182.
Lacey, M.T. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
On the Local Tb Theorem: A Direct Proof under the Duality Assumption,
Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., Volume 59, Issue 1 (2016), 193-222.
Ihnatsyeva, L. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Hardy inequalities in Triebel-Lizorkin spaces II. Aikawa dimension,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), Volume 194, Issue 2 (2015), 479-493.
Hytönen, T.P. and A.V. Vähäkangas, The local
non-homogeneous Tb theorem for
vector-valued functions, Glasg. Math. J., Volume 57, Issue 1 (2015),
Ihnatsyeva, L. and A.V. Vähäkangas, Characterization of traces of
smooth functions
on Ahlfors regular sets, J. Funct. Anal., Volume 265, Issue 9 (2013),
Harjulehto, P., Hurri-Syrjänen, R. and A.V. Vähäkangas, On the
Illinois J. Math., volume 56, number 3 (2012), 905-930.
Ihnatsyeva, L. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Hardy inequalities in Triebel-Lizorkin spaces,
Indiana Univ. Math. J., Volume 62, Issue 6 (2013), 1785-1807.
Lacey, M.T. and A.V. Vähäkangas, The Perfect Local Tb Theorem and
Martingale Transforms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., volume 142, Number 5
(2014), 1689-1700.
Edmunds, D.E., R. Hurri-Syrjänen and A.V. Vähäkangas, Fractional
inequalities in domains with uniformly fat complement, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
Volume 142, Number 3 (2014), 897-907.
Hurri-Syrjänen, R. and A.V. Vähäkangas, On fractional
Poincaré inequalities, J.
Anal. Math., Volume 120, Issue 1 (2013), 85-104.
Vähäkangas, A.V., On regularity and extension of Green's operator on
smooth domains, Potential Anal., Volume 37, Issue 1 (2012), 57-77.
Articles in international refereed conference
Hurri-Syrjänen, R. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Characterizations to the fractional Sobolev inequality,
Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VII, 145-154, Contemp. Math., 699,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2017.
Lacey, M.T. and A.V. Vähäkangas,
Non-Homogeneous Local T1 Theorem: Dual Exponents,
in Some Topics in Harmonic Analysis
and Applications,
ALM 34,
International Press (2016), 231-264.
A dissertation
Vähäkangas, A.V., Boundedness of weakly singular integral operators
on domains,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. Diss. No. 153, 2009. Doctoral Dissertation.