Current main research topics
My group works in the interface of ecology, evolution and health of
aquatic ecosystems.
Evolutionary ecology of multiple parasite
species/genotype infections
One of the main research areas focuses on evolutionary ecology of
multiple species/genotype infections in host-parasite interactions.
We are particularly interested in exploring how parasite species and
genotypes interact in hosts, and how this affects factors such as
parasite infection success and virulence. We also investigate how
responses of the hosts are influenced by a diverse parasite
challenge and how dynamics of host immune function shape
parasite-parasite interactions. These studies look also into broad
scale patters of genotype and species interactions underlying
parasite community structure.
We explore these questions using mainly trematodes of the genus
Diplostomum that complete their complex life cycle by passing
through three consecutive hosts: snail and fish intermediate hosts,
and bird definitive host. Infection in the snail gives rise to
thousands of genetically identical cercariae that infect eye lenses
of freshwater fishes. Severe infection in the eye may result in
cataracts that impair vision and alter the behaviour of fish.
We work in close collaboration with
the research group
aquatic ecology (Eawag/ETH-Zurich,
Switzerland) led by Prof.
Jukka Jokela.
Recent papers:
Seppälä, O., Karvonen, A., Rellstab, C.,
Louhi, K.-R., Jokela, J. (2012).
Reciprocal interaction matrix reveals complex
genetic and dose-dependent specificity among
coinfecting parasites. American Naturalist, in press.
Karvonen, A., Rellstab, C., Louhi, K.-R., Jokela,
J. (2012). Synchronous attack is advantageous - mixed genotype
infections lead to higher infection success in trematode parasites.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 171-176.
C., Louhi, K.-R., Karvonen, A., Jokela, J. (2011).
Analysis of trematode parasite communities in fish
eye lenses by pyrosequencing of naturally pooled DNA. Infection,
Genetics and Evolution 11, 1276-1286.
Karvonen, A., Seppälä, O., Valtonen, E.T. (2009). Host
immunisation shapes interspecific
associations in trematode parasites. Journal of Animal Ecology 78,
Parasites and aquatic biodiversity
We are also interested in interactions between parasitism, and
ecological and genetic divergence in populations of freshwater
fishes. This work includes investigations into patterns of
parasitism in allopatric, parapatric and sympatric ecotypes of
fishes, further linking these to the degree of between-population
divergence in ecological characteristics and genetic profiles. The
main study species include European populations of three-spine
stickleback, Arctic charr and whitefish.
These projects are done in collaboration with
Ole Seehausen and
Jukka Jokela
(Eawag, Switzerland),
Prof. Skuli
Skulason and Dr.
Bjarni Kristjansson
(Holar University College, Iceland) and
Christophe Eizaguirre (IFM-GEOMAR,
Karvonen, A., Lundsgaard-Hansen, B.,
Jokela, J., Seehausen, O. (2012).
Differentiation in parasitism among ecotypes of whitefish
segregating along depth gradients.
in press.
Karvonen, A., Seehausen, O. (2012).
role of parasitism in adaptive radiations – when might
parasites promote and when might they constrain ecological
speciation? International Journal of
Ecology, Vol. 2012, Article ID 208169.
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