Ville Tirronen





Tämän tilaisuuden tarkoitus & käytäntö



Miten funktio-ohjelma suunnitellaan?




import Data.Char

main = do
putStrLn "Anna merkkijono: "
x <- getLine
if null x then return ()
else do
if (onkoPalindromi (poistaErikoisetjaPienenna x)) == Just True
then putStrLn "Antamasi merkkijono on palindromi."
else putStrLn "Antamasi merkkijono ei ole palindromi."

onkoPalindromi :: String -> Maybe Bool
onkoPalindromi [] = Nothing
onkoPalindromi [x] = Just True
onkoPalindromi [x,y] | x==y = Just True
| x/=y = Just False
onkoPalindromi xs | head xs /= last xs = Just False
| otherwise = onkoPalindromi $ init.tail $ xs

poistaErikoisetjaPienenna [] = []
poistaErikoisetjaPienenna (x:xs)
| isAlpha x = (toLower x):poistaErikoisetjaPienenna xs
| otherwise = poistaErikoisetjaPienenna xs

hn-so-jl-ma - korjauksia

poistaErikoisetjaPienenna []     = []
poistaErikoisetjaPienenna (x:xs)
| isAlpha x = (toLower x):poistaErikoisetjaPienenna xs
| otherwise = poistaErikoisetjaPienenna xs
poistaErikoisetjaPienenna = map toLower . filter isAlpha

hn-so-jl-ma - korjauksia

onkoPalindromi :: String -> Maybe Bool
onkoPalindromi [] = Nothing
onkoPalindromi [x] = Just True
onkoPalindromi [x,y] | x==y = Just True
| x/=y = Just False
onkoPalindromi xs | head xs /= last xs = Just False
| otherwise = onkoPalindromi $ init.tail $ xs
onkoPalindromi :: String -> Bool
onkoPalindromi xs = reverse xs == xs

hn-so-jl-ma - korjauksia

import Data.Char
import Data.List

main = do
putStrLn "Anna merkkijono: "
x <- getLine
case x of
_ | null x -> return ()
_ | onkoPalindromi x -> putStrLn "Antamasi merkkijono on palindromi."
_ -> putStrLn "Antamasi merkkijono ei ole palindromi."

onkoPalindromi :: String -> Bool
onkoPalindromi x = let l = map toLower . filter isAlpha $ x
in reverse l == l

Team Haskell

void calculateEstimate(int numPoints, double phi)
double estimate=0;
float minX,minY,maxX,maxY;


//we find the maximum & minimum coordinates
for(int i=1;i<numPoints;i++)

//we calculate the area of rectangle including all points
float area=(maxX-minX)*(maxY-minY);

Team Haskell

estimator :: [(Float, Float)] -> Int -> Float -> Float
estimator [] _ _ = -1.0 --virhearv
estimator _ 0 _ = -1.0
estimator x n phi = phi * sqrt ( fromIntegral (n-1) * areaOf x)

areaOf :: [(Float, Float)] -> Float
areaOf x = leveys * korkeus
leveys = maxx - minx
korkeus = maxy - miny
(maxx,maxy) = findMaxs x
(minx, miny) = findMins x

findMins :: [(Float, Float)] -> (Float, Float)
findMins xs = findCoords minimum xs

findMaxs :: [(Float, Float)] -> (Float, Float)
findMaxs xs = findCoords maximum xs

findCoords :: ([Float] -> Float) -> [(Float, Float)] -> (Float, Float)
findCoords f xs = (minfst, minsnd)
minfst = f [fst x | x <- xs ]
minsnd = f [snd x | x <- xs ]

Team Haskell - Ehdotuksia

data Rectangle a = R {left :: a, right :: a, top :: a, bottom :: a}

area :: Num a => Rectangle a -> a
area (R minx maxx miny maxy) = (maxx-minx) * (maxy-miny)

boundingBox :: (Ord a, Bounded a) => [(a,a)] -> Rectangle a
boundingBox = foldl' f void
f (R a b c d) (x,y) = R (min a x) (max b x) (min c y) (max d y)
void = R maxBound minBound maxBound minBound

Team Haskell - Ehdotuksia

estimator :: (Ord a, Floating a, Bounded a) => t -> [(a, a)] -> a
estimator phi xs = sqrt $ (genericLength xs-1) * (area . boundingBox $ xs)

data Rectangle a = R {left :: a, right :: a, top :: a, bottom :: a}

area :: Num a => Rectangle a -> a
area (R minx maxx miny maxy) = (maxx-minx) * (maxy-miny)

boundingBox :: (Ord a, Bounded a) => [(a,a)] -> Rectangle a
boundingBox = foldl' f universe
f (R a b c d) (x,y) = R (min a x) (max b x) (min c y) (max d y)
universe = R maxBound minBound maxBound minBound

hjst - java

import java.util.*;

public class T1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BufferedReader fi;
try { // Avataan tiedosto lukemista varten
fi = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("tiedosto.txt"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Tiedosto ei aukea!");
try {
String s = new String();
for( int i = 1; ( s = fi.readLine() ) != null; i++) {
// Tulostetaan riveille numerot ja katkaistaan pitkät rivit
if(s.length() > 40)
System.out.println("/" + "* 0" + i + " *" + "/ "
+ s.substring(0,40));
System.out.println("/" + "* 0" + i + " *" + "/ " + s);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Virhe tiedostoa luettaessa!");
} finally { // Aina ehdottomasti finally:ssa resurssien vapautus
try {
fi.close(); // tiedoston sulkeminen heti kun sitä ei enää tarvita
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Tiedostoa ei saa suljettua!");

hjst - haskell

module Main where

import System.Environment
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO
import Data.List

-- Palauttaa rivinumeron mukavan pituisena nolla-alkuisena numerona
indexing :: Int -> Int -> String
indexing total current = "/* " ++ take pad (repeat '0') ++ show current ++ " */ "
where pad = length (show total) - length (show current)

-- Listan alkioit typistettynä 40-merkkisiksi, etuliitteenä vielä rivinumero
formatList :: [String] -> [String]
formatList xs = zipWith op [1..] xs
op i r = (index i) ++ (take 40 r)
index = indexing (length xs)

-- Lukee tiedoston ja kopioi sen toiseen tiedostoon.
main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
inh <- openFile luetaan ReadMode
outh <- openFile kirjoitetaan WriteMode
inputti <- readFile luetaan
let rivit = lines inputti
writeFile kirjoitetaan $ unlines (formatList rivit)
hClose inh
hClose outh

hjst - korjauksia

-- Lukee tiedoston ja kopioi sen toiseen tiedostoon.
main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
inh <- openFile luetaan ReadMode
outh <- openFile kirjoitetaan WriteMode
inputti <- readFile luetaan
let rivit = lines inputti
writeFile kirjoitetaan $ unlines (formatList rivit)
hClose inh
hClose outh
-- Lukee tiedoston ja kopioi sen toiseen tiedostoon.
main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
inputti <- readFile luetaan
let rivit = lines inputti
writeFile kirjoitetaan $ unlines (formatList rivit)

hjst - korjauksia

-- Lukee tiedoston ja kopioi sen toiseen tiedostoon.
main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
inputti <- readFile luetaan
let rivit = lines inputti
writeFile kirjoitetaan $ unlines (formatList rivit)
formatString :: String -> String
formatString = unlines . formatList . lines

main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
readFile luetaan >>= writeFile kirjoitetaan . formatString

hjst - korjauksia

main = do [luetaan,kirjoitetaan] <- getArgs
readFile luetaan >>= writeFile kirjoitetaan . formatString
main = do as <- getArgs
case as of
-> readFile luetaan >>= writeFile kirjoitetaan . formatString
-> readFile luetaan >>= putStr . formatString
[] -> putStrLn "Anna tiedostonimi"

jaheee - PingPong

module Main where

import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Game

data PingPongWorld = GameOver
| Start
| World { player1 :: Player
,player2 :: Player
,ball :: Ball }

data Player = Player Score Paddle

data Paddle = Paddle Point Size State
data State = SUp | SStay | SDown deriving Eq

type Size = Float
type Score = Int

data Ball = GBLeft | GBRight | Ball Point Velocity Size
type Velocity = Point

jaheee - PingPong

screenW :: Float
screenW = 400

playerX :: Float
playerX = screenW/2 - 5

padVel = 200

initialWorld sc1 sc2 = World (Player sc1 (Paddle (-playerX,0) 100 SStay))
(Player sc2 (Paddle (playerX,0) 100 SStay))
(Ball (0,0) (150,0) 10)

jaheee - PingPong

drawWorld  (World (Player sc1 p1) (Player sc2 p2) ball@(Ball (bx,_) (_,_) _))
= rotate rot . pictures $ [drawBall ball, drawPaddle p1
, drawPaddle p2 , drawScore,
, color red . Line $ [(-screenW/2,screenW/2)
, color red . Line $ [(-screenW/2,-screenW/2)
drawBall (Ball (bx,by) (bvx,bvy) bs)
= color red . translate bx by . circle $ bs
drawBall _
= Blank
= color red . translate (-150) (screenW/2) . scale 0.25 0.25
. Text $ (show sc1) ++ " - " ++ (show sc2)
drawPaddle (Paddle (x,y) s _)
= color red . translate x y . Line $ [(0,-s/2),(0,s/2)]
rot = fromIntegral (sc1-sc2) + (fromIntegral (sc1+sc2) * (bx / screenW))

drawWorld w_ = Blank

jaheee - PingPong

simulateWorld _ GameOver = GameOver
simulateWorld _ Start = Start
simulateWorld _ (World p1@(Player sc1 paddle1)
p2@(Player sc2 paddle2) GBRight)
= initialWorld (sc1+1) sc2
simulateWorld _ (World p1@(Player sc1 paddle1)
p2@(Player sc2 paddle2) GBLeft)
= initialWorld sc1 (sc2+1)
simulateWorld step (World p1@(Player sc1 paddle1)
p2@(Player sc2 paddle2) ball)
= World (Player sc1 (updatePaddle paddle1)) (Player sc2 (updatePaddle paddle2)) (updateBall ball)
updatePaddle (Paddle (x,y) s state)
| state == SUp && y + s/2 < screenW/2 = Paddle (x,y+padVel*step) s state
| state == SDown && y - s/2 > -screenW/2 = Paddle (x,y-padVel*step) s state
| otherwise = Paddle (x,y) s state
updateBall (Ball (x,y) (vx,vy) s)
| collidesWithPaddle paddle1 ball = paddleHit paddle1 ball
| collidesWithPaddle paddle2 ball = paddleHit paddle2 ball
| x > screenW/2 = GBRight
| x < -screenW/2 = GBLeft
| y > screenW/2 = Ball (x+vx*step,screenW/2-(abs vy)*step) (vx,-(abs vy)) s
| y < -screenW/2 = Ball (x+vx*step,-screenW/2+(abs vy)*step) (vx, abs vy) s
| otherwise = Ball (x+vx*step,y+vy*step) (vx, vy) s

jaheee - PingPong

collidesWithPaddle (Paddle (px,py) size _) (Ball (bx,by) _ s) 
= (abs (py-by) < size/2) && (abs (px-bx) < s/2)
paddleHit (Paddle (px,py) _ SStay) (Ball (bx, by) (vx,vy) s)
= Ball (bx-(sign px) * s* 2,by) (-vx, vy) s
paddleHit (Paddle (px,py) size SUp) (Ball (bx, by) (vx,vy) s)
= Ball (bx-(sign px) * s* 2,by) (-vx, vy+250*(abs (py - by))/size) s
paddleHit (Paddle (px,py) size SDown) (Ball (bx, by) (vx,vy) s)
= Ball (bx-(sign px) * s* 2,by) (-vx, vy-250*(abs (py - by))/size) s

sign x = x / abs x

jaheee - PingPong

handleEvents (EventKey (Char 'w') Down _ _)
(World (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size _)) pl2 ball )
= World (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size SUp)) pl2 ball

handleEvents (EventKey (Char 's') Down _ _)
(World (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size _)) pl2 ball )
= World (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size SDown)) pl2 ball

handleEvents (EventKey (Char 'o') Down _ _)
(World pl1 (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size _)) ball )
= World pl1 (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size SUp)) ball

handleEvents (EventKey (Char 'l') Down _ _)
(World pl1 (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size _)) ball )
= World pl1 (Player sco (Paddle pos1 size SDown)) ball


jaheee - PingPong

main = gameInWindow
(floor screenW, floor screenW)
(initialWorld 0 0)

jaheee - Korjauksia


import System.Random

main = do
let r1 = (randomList 100000 1.0 (mkStdGen 99))
r2 = (randomList 100000 1.0 (mkStdGen 232))
print $ 4.0 * likiarvo (laskePi (coord r1 r2))

randomList :: Int -> Double -> StdGen -> [Double]
randomList 0 _ _ = []
randomList a b c = take a (randomRs(0,b) c)

coord :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
coord a b = zip a b

laskePi :: [(Double,Double)] -> [Bool]
laskePi [] = []
laskePi ((a,b):xs) = onkoSisalla a b : laskePi xs

onkoSisalla :: Double -> Double -> Bool
onkoSisalla a b = if (sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)) < 1) then True else False

likiarvo :: [Bool] -> Double
likiarvo [] = 0.0
likiarvo x = (intToDouble (length (filter (==True) x))) / intToDouble (length(x))

intToDouble :: Int -> Double
intToDouble x = fromIntegral x


import System.Random

main = do
let r1 = (randomList 100000 1.0 (mkStdGen 99))
r2 = (randomList 100000 1.0 (mkStdGen 232))
print $ (1/100000) * 4.0 * fromIntegral (count onkoSisalla (zip r1 r2)))

randomList :: Int -> Double -> StdGen -> [Double]
randomList a b c = take a (randomRs(0,b) c)

onkoSisalla :: (Double, Double) -> Bool
onkoSisalla (a, b) = (sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)) < 1)

count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
count x = length . filter p


module Main where

type Piste a = (a,a)

viivaIntegraali :: (Floating a) => (Piste a -> a) -> (a -> Piste a) -> [a] -> a
viivaIntegraali funktio polku väli = sum $ zipWith ala väli (tail väli)
ala x y = (keskiarvo x y)*(välinpituus x y)
välinpituus x y = pituus (polku x .- polku y)
keskiarvo x y = (funktio (polku x) + funktio (polku y))/2

(.-) :: (Floating a) => Piste a -> Piste a-> Piste a
(x,y) .- (u,v) = (x-u,y-v)
infixl 6 .-

pituus :: (Floating a) => Piste a -> a
pituus (x,y) = sqrt (x**2+y**2)

-- Tässä muuten hämää käsittämätön numeerinen virhe listan automaagisessa
-- generaatiossa. Keskimmäinen lista on ihan eri näköinen jos sen ensin
-- generoi kokonaislukuina ja sitten jakaa jokaisen luvun kymmenellä eli map (/10)
-- [51,52..100].

esimerkkiVäli = [1,2..5]++[5.1,5.2..10]++[11,12..15]

esimerkkiPolku :: (Floating a) => a -> Piste a
esimerkkiPolku t = (sinh t,sin t)

esimerkkiFunktio :: (Floating a) => Piste a -> a
esimerkkiFunktio (x,y) = x*y**2

main = print $ viivaIntegraali esimerkkiFunktio esimerkkiPolku esimerkkiVäli

-- Lisäbonus
integraali :: (Floating a) => (a -> a) -> [a] -> a
integraali funktio väli = viivaIntegraali (ulotteistaja funktio) pisteyttäjä väli
pisteyttäjä x = (x,0)
ulotteistaja funktio (x,y) = funktio x


module Main where

import Graphics.Gloss hiding (Path, Point)
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Game hiding (Path, Point)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Random

type Point a = (a, a)
type Path a = [Point a]

-- Vektorioperaattorit
(.-) , (.+) :: (Num a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a
(x,y) .- (u,v) = (x-u,y-v)
(x,y) .+ (u,v) = (x+u,y+v)
infixl 6 .- , .+
infixl 7 .*
(.*) :: (Num a) => a -> Point a -> Point a
s .* (u,v) = (s*u,s*v)

snakeSize = 5
snakeSizeF = fromIntegral snakeSize

left = (-1, 0)
right = (1, 0)
up = (0, 1)
down = (0, -1)

type Controls = Map.Map Key (Point Int)
type Direction = Point Int
data Turn = Turn {
direction :: Direction,
timestamp :: Int
} deriving (Eq)

data Player = Player {
startPosition :: Point Int,
colour :: Color,
turns :: [Turn],
controls :: Controls,
randomNumbers :: [Int],
timeOfDeath :: Int

instance Eq Player where
p1 == p2 = (colour p1) == (colour p2)

data GameState = GameState {
players :: [Player],
time :: Float,
bounds :: Point Int

isAlive player = timeOfDeath player == 0

isAIPlayer player = Map.null (controls player)

isGameOver :: GameState -> Bool
isGameOver game = length (filter isAlive (players game)) < 2

playerDirection player = direction . last $ turns player

playerCanTurnToDirection player (x1, y1) = x1 + x2 /= 0 && y1 + y2 /= 0
(x2, y2) = playerDirection player

updateGameState :: Float -> GameState -> GameState
updateGameState delta game@(GameState players prevTime bounds) =
if isGameOver game then
GameState (map (updatePlayer (floor time))
(updateAIPlayers game)) time bounds
time = prevTime + 1 --TODO: Use delta

updatePlayer time player@(Player startPosition colour turns controls
nums tod)
= Player startPosition colour turns controls nums timeOfDeath
where timeOfDeath = if isAlive player then
(if (collidesWithBounds bounds position)
|| collidesWithOthers then time else 0)
else tod
position@(x, y) = playerPosition time player
collidesWithOthers = foldl (\acc other ->
acc || checkCollision player other )
False players
where checkCollision player other
= collidesWithPath (playerPath excludeHeadIfSelf other) (x, y)
where excludeHeadIfSelf = if other == player then time - 1 else time

updateAIPlayers :: GameState -> [Player]
updateAIPlayers game@(GameState players prevTime bounds)
= map (\player -> if isAIPlayer player && isAlive player
then updateAIPlayer game player
else player) players

updateAIPlayer :: GameState -> Player -> Player
updateAIPlayer game@(GameState players prevTime bounds)
player@(Player startPosition _ turns _ rands _)
| collidesWithSomething || time - (timestamp (last turns)) >= 20 + (rand1 `mod` 30)
= turnAIPlayer game (player {randomNumbers = newRands})
| otherwise = player
rand1 = head rands
rand2 = head (drop 1 rands)
newRands = drop 2 rands
time = floor prevTime
collidesWithSomething =
case playerCollisionDistanceAtDirection game player (playerDirection player) (2 + rand2 `mod` 10)
of Just x -> True
Nothing -> False

playerCollidesAtDirection :: GameState -> Player -> Direction -> Int -> Bool
playerCollidesAtDirection (GameState players prevTime bounds) player direction distance
= any collidesWithPlayer players || collidesWithBounds bounds nextPosition
time = floor prevTime
collidesWithPlayer otherPlayer = collidesWithPath (playerPath time otherPlayer) nextPosition
nextPosition = (playerPosition time player .+ distance .* direction)

playerCollisionDistanceAtDirection :: GameState -> Player -> Direction -> Int -> Maybe Int
playerCollisionDistanceAtDirection game player direction maxDistance
| noCollisionDistance < maxDistance = Just (noCollisionDistance + 1)
| otherwise = Nothing
where noCollisionDistance = case takeWhile (\distance -> not $ playerCollidesAtDirection game
player direction distance)
[1..maxDistance] of
[] -> 0
xs -> last xs

randomAITurnDirection :: GameState -> Player -> Int -> Maybe Direction
randomAITurnDirection game player randomNumber = if null candidates
then Nothing
else Just $ candidates !! (randomNumber `mod` length candidates)
candidates = map fst $ filter (\(direction, distance) -> distance == maxDistance)
maxDistance = foldr max 0 $ map snd collisionDistances
collisionDistances = [(direction, collisionDistanceAtDirection direction)
| direction <- legalDirections]
legalDirections = [d | d <- [left, right, up, down]
,playerCanTurnToDirection player d
,not (playerCollidesAtDirection game player d 1)]
collisionDistanceAtDirection direction
= case playerCollisionDistanceAtDirection game player direction 10 of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> infiniteDistance
infiniteDistance = 100000

turnAIPlayer :: GameState -> Player -> Player
turnAIPlayer game@(GameState players prevTime bounds)
player@(Player startPosition _ turns _ rands _)
= case randomAITurnDirection game player (head rands) of
Nothing -> player
Just direction -> (turnPlayer (Turn direction time) player)
{ randomNumbers = drop 1 rands }
time = floor prevTime

-- Converts path to a list of lines
lineByLine :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
lineByLine [] = []
lineByLine (x:[]) = []
lineByLine (x:xs) = (x,head xs):(lineByLine xs)

collidesWithPath :: (Path Int) -> (Point Int) -> Bool
collidesWithPath path point
= any (\line -> collidesWithLine line point) (lineByLine path)
where collidesWithLine ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) (x, y)
= (x >= (min x1 x2) && y >= (min y1 y2)
&& x <= (max x1 x2) && y <= (max y1 y2))

collidesWithBounds :: (Point Int) -> (Point Int) -> Bool
collidesWithBounds (bx, by) (x, y) = x < -bx || y < -by || x > bx || y > by

-- Returns players position at specific point in time
playerPosition :: Int -> Player -> Point Int
playerPosition time player = last (playerPath time player)

pathFromTurns :: Int -> Point Int -> [Turn] -> Path Int
pathFromTurns time turnPosition [] = [turnPosition]
pathFromTurns time turnPosition ((Turn direction turnTime):turns)
= turnPosition : (pathFromTurns time nextTurnPosition turns)
nextTurnPosition = turnPosition .+ ((nextTurnTime time turns) - turnTime) .* direction
nextTurnTime time [] = time
nextTurnTime _ ((Turn _ t):turns) = t

playerPath :: Int -> Player -> Path Int
playerPath time player = pathFromTurns playerTime (startPosition player) (turns player)
playerTime = if isAlive player then time else timeOfDeath player

-- For drawing thicker lines
lineAsRect :: Path Float -> Picture
lineAsRect path = pictures (map drawRect (lineByLine path))

drawRect :: (Point Float, Point Float) -> Picture
drawRect ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = translate (x + 0.5 * w) y pic
x = min x1 x2 - 0.5
y = min y1 y2 - 0.5
w = ((max x1 x2) + 0.5 - x)
h = ((max y1 y2) + 0.5 - y)
pic = rectangleUpperSolid w h

drawGame :: GameState -> Picture
drawGame game = pictures (map (drawPlayer game) (players game))
where drawPlayer game player
= scale snakeSizeF snakeSizeF . Color drawColor . lineAsRect
$ map convertTuple (playerPath (floor (time game)) player)
drawColor = if isAlive player then colour player else greyN 0.5
convertTuple (x, y) = (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)

-- Handles player input
handleInput :: Event -> GameState -> GameState
handleInput (EventKey key Down _ _) game =
if isGameOver game then
GameState playerList (time game) (bounds game)
where playerList = [ if isAlive player then handleInputFor player else player
| player <- (players game) ]
where handleInputFor player = case Map.lookup key (controls player) of
Nothing -> player
Just direction -> turnPlayer (Turn direction (floor (time game))) player
handleInput _ g = g

turnPlayer :: Turn -> Player -> Player
turnPlayer turn player =
if isLegal then
Player (startPosition player) (colour player) ((turns player) ++ [turn])
(controls player) (randomNumbers player) 0
lastTurn = last (turns player)
(x1, y1) = direction lastTurn
(x2, y2) = direction turn
isLegal = (playerCanTurnToDirection player (direction turn))
&& timestamp lastTurn < timestamp turn

-- Helper for creating new players
initPlayers :: [(Color, Int, Controls)] -> [Player]
initPlayers [] = []
initPlayers ((colour,seed,ctrl):xs)
= (Player (0, 10 * length xs) colour [ Turn right 0 ] ctrl randomNumbers 0):(initPlayers xs)
randomNumbers = randomRs (1, 10000) (mkStdGen seed)

-- Initializes the game
initGameState = GameState {
players = initPlayers [
(blue, 1, Map.fromList [ (SpecialKey KeyUp, up), (SpecialKey KeyDown, down)
, (SpecialKey KeyLeft, left), (SpecialKey KeyRight, right) ]),
(green, 2, Map.empty),
(red, 3, Map.empty) ],
time = 0,
bounds = (320 `div` snakeSize, 240 `div` snakeSize)

main = gameInWindow
(640, 480)
(20, 20)

mmvp - comments

candidates = map fst $ filter (\(direction, distance) 
-> distance == maxDistance)
candidates = filter (==maxDistance) . map fst $ collisionDistances

mmvp - comments

collidesWithOthers = foldl (\acc other -> 
acc || checkCollision player other )
False players
collidesWithOthers = any (checkCollision player) players

mmvp - comments

jjat - kesken

module Main where
import Char
import Maybe

data Valuutta = Valuutta { lyhenne :: String,
nimi :: String,
kurssi :: Double }

uusiValuutta :: String -> String -> Double -> Valuutta
uusiValuutta lyhenne nimi kerroin = Valuutta (uppercase lyhenne) nimi kerroin

vaihdaEuroksi = (*)

etsiKurssi :: String -> [Valuutta] -> Maybe Double
etsiKurssi _ [] = Nothing
etsiKurssi lyhenne ((Valuutta a b c):xs)
| a == lyhenne = Just c
| otherwise = etsiKurssi lyhenne xs

main = do putStrLn "Ohjelma muuntaa eri valuuttoja euroiksi. Ohjelma loppuu, kun painat q. Kurssi on otettu 3.10.2011."
kysy teeValuutat
putStrLn "Kiitos!"

kysy valuutat = do putStrLn "Anna summa ja rahan lyhenne: "
rahat <- getLine
if rahat == "q"
then return ()
else do (parseSyote rahat) `testaaSyote` valuutat
kysy valuutat

uppercase = map toUpper

parseSyote :: String -> Maybe (Double, String)
parseSyote teksti = if (2 >= (length sanat))
then Just ((read (head sanat) :: Double) , last sanat)
else Nothing
where sanat = words teksti

testaaSyote Nothing _ = putStrLn "Antamasi raha ei ollut kelvollinen"
testaaSyote (Just (a,b)) valuutat =
do let kurssi = etsiKurssi (uppercase b) valuutat
if kurssi == Nothing
then putStrLn "Antamaasi valuuttaa ei ole"
else putStrLn $ (show a) ++ " " ++ b ++ " on " ++ (show (vaihdaEuroksi a (fromJust kurssi))) ++ " euroa"
putStrLn ""

teeValuutat :: [Valuutta]
teeValuutat = [Valuutta "SKR" "kruunu" 0.6, Valuutta "$" "dollari" 1.2]