# PyCon 2019 Baltimore # Stefan Karpinski # around 3:30 in # https://youtu.be/kc9HwsxE1OY # see https://juliaphysics.github.io/Measurements.jl/stable/ # using DifferentialEquations using Measurements # in julia console: # include("julia-errorbars.jl") # using Plots g = 10.79 ± 0.02 # Gravitational constant L = 1.00 ± 0.01 # Length of pendulum # initial speed and angle u₀ = [0 ± 0, π/60 ± 0.01] tspan = (0.0, 2π) # Define the problem # θ''(t) + (g/L)*θ(t) = 0 # u[2] := θ'(t) => u[2]' = θ''(t) # insert # u[2]' + g/L*θ(t) = 0 <=> u[2]' = -(g/L)*θ := du[2] function pendulum(du, u, p, t) θ = u[1] dθ = u[2] du[1] = dθ du[2] = -(g/L)*θ end # Pass to solvers prop = ODEProblem(pendulum, u₀ , tspan) sol = solve(prop, Tsit5(), reltol = 1e-6) ; # Analytic solution u = u₀[2] .* cos.(sqrt(g/L) .* sol.t) ; f = plot(sol.t, u, label="analytic") f = plot!(sol.t, sol(sol.t)[2,:] .+ .1, label="numerical (shifted up +.1) ") # give the plot a chance to show when run from console display(f) readline()