
Jenni Koskenkorva


I'm 27 years young lady, currrently living in Jyväskylä and studying.
You may run into me mostly at the departement of chemistry, as I'm studying to become a chemist. As minors I have gathered maths, information technology and biochemistry. One may familiarize oneself with my studies at the Opiskelu-directory.

I enrich my life with many different hobbies

I'm passionate amateur-photographer. By scanning my Gallery one can admire my favourite shots (the best of).

If you're looking for laughs, you may want to read hilarious stories in hauskaa (regretfully most of them are in finnish)

Remeber to chekc out the most interesting websites that I have come across

Leave your greetings/compliments at the guestbook, or give me feedback with the feedback form.

© Jenni Koskenkorva (
2009-09- 1 13:13:02